Appeals Tab

Admissions appeals may be made for many different reasons.

For exampleFor example

  • If a student has moved into the area (as an In-Year Admissions appeal)
  • If a place has not been offered at a preferred base as part of the standard transfer process
  • If a student has been placed within the mainstream band of a school and wishes to appeal for a place in the ability or aptitude band.

In this last example the student may already be registered at the school to which they are appealing.

The Students | Applications | Appeals and Process | Appeals areas enable Local Authority officers to manage admissions appeals processes in accordance with the DfE School Admissions Code of Practice. You can enter the details of an appeal and view and process appeal information in these areas, including any hearings.

In Process | Appeals, the left-hand panel contains a receiver search. Use this search to select a transfer group, a specific sub group or receiver within a group. All receivers that match the entered search criteria are listed. If you select the Only Bases with Relocations check box then only bases that students have relocated to during the current school year (either for reasons involving exclusions, special needs or other fair access issues) are listed. Relocations are added via the Students | All Students | Relocation tab.

The right-hand panel lists all students who have a preference for the selected receiver but were not offered a place.

  • For students who have an appeal already recorded, the preference number of the receiver and  the student’s Allocation Status, appeal date and appeal reason are also displayed.
  • For relocations, the relocation application date, preference number of the receiver, relocation status, date registered, reason and result are displayed.

Click the Edit Appeal link to view the details of an appeal, make any changes (dependent on your user permissions) or record a new appeal.  Details of hearings can also be recorded.

View Imported Appeals

Imported Appeals are highlighted within Students | Applications when one or more appeal is present, as shown below:

Appeal Details

These fieldsfields are available on the Students | Applications | Appeals and Process | Appeals tab pages.

Appellant This field lists the applicant and all parents/carers recorded for the student. It is not mandatory, but if used it is important to select the person who has actually made the appeal as multiple appeals may be made.
Date Appeal Lodged This date field is mandatory.
Sent to Legal Services This date field is optional.
Date Appeal/Confirmation This date field is optional.
Reason/Status/Result The dropdown arrows enable you to select the relevant Appeal Reason (Lookup Table ID 0097), Status (Lookup Table ID 0104) or Result (Lookup Table ID 0098). These lookups are defined in One v4 Client | Tools | Administration | Lookups
Attending the Hearing (check box) Select this check box to indicate that the appellant will be attending the hearing in person.
Represented by Other (check box) Select this check box to indicate that the appellant will have a representative present at the hearing. Optionally, record the name of the representative in the Appeals memo.
Waive Min. Notice Period (check box) The applicant has a statutory right to be given a minimum of 14 days’ notice of an appeal hearing. If the applicant has agreed to waive this right (so that they can take advantage of a cancellation and speed up the appeal process), select this check box.
Appeals Memo Use the Appeals Memo to record any additional details about this appeal.

Hearing Details

These fieldsfields are available on the Students | Applications | Appeals and Process | Appeals tab pages. They enable you to add or edit information pertaining to a school admissions appeal hearing. These fields are not available for use until an appeal has been added and saved.

Date/Time of Hearing Enter the date of the appeal hearing and then enter the time of the hearing if required. These fields are not mandatory and can be completed when the information is known. However, it is not possible to save a Time of Hearing without recording a Date of Hearing.
Appeal Committee This is the name of the committee that will hear the appeal. Select the name from the Select Appeal Committee dialog. If the required committee is not listed it can be added from the dialog.
Appeal Venue This is the location of the hearing (building name and/or address). Select the required venue from the Select Appeal Venue dialog. If the required venue is not listed it can be added from the dialog.
Room This is the specific location within the venue for the appeal hearing. Type the name or number of the room directly into the field.
Clerk/LA Officer Clerk to the Appeals Panel and Local Authority Officer are One roles. Click the browse buttons to open the Select a Clerk and Select a LA Officer dialogs.
The dialogs display role tables listing all people who have been assigned the selected role. If the name you require is not listed click Add (available if you have appropriate access rights) and select the appropriate name.
Interpreter Required/Language If the appellant needs an interpreter to be present at the hearing, check the box. The Language field is displayed. Use the Home Language lookup table (Lookup Table ID 0002) to select the language required.
Memos There are two memos available in the Hearing Details section:
  • Hearing - enables you to add notes about the hearing
  • Other Needs - enables you to record additional requirements - for example if disability access or hearing facilities are required.

Select Appeal Committee

This browse lists all appeal committees that have been defined within Admissions and Transfers. The list can be ordered by clicking the column header. Select the required committee by double clicking or highlighting and clicking Select.

Click the Add link to add a new Appeal Committee. Next, enter the Appeal Committee Type and a Description. Once you have saved the details you can make changes, including making a particular committee inactive or deleting a committee, by clicking the Edit link.

Select Appeal Venue

This browse lists all appeal venues that have been defined within the Admissions and Transfers module. The list can be ordered by clicking the column header. Select the required venue by double clicking or highlighting and clicking Select.

Click the Add link to add a new Appeal Venue. Next, enter the Appeal Venue Type and a Description. Once you have saved the details you can make changes, including making a particular venue inactive or deleting a venue, by clicking the Edit link.