Thirty Hours Entitlement Users and Permissions

In the Thirty Hour Entitlement portal there are two types of users as mentioned below.

To create and activate a Portal User account refer to: Portal User Account  

Manage User Accounts

After a user is created and assigned to the appropriate security group in the v4 Client, they must then be granted access to the required providers and services in the Provider portal. This is done by selecting Manage Access from the Administration menu.

Review Users

The Review Users page is used to view the users that are currently registered to use the Provider portal, to update their email address and enable them to update their password. It is also used to reset a user account that is inactive in the v4 Client.


Permission to Access 30 Hours Free Childcare

Business processes are assigned to a user group in the v4 Client via Tools | Permissions | User Group Processes.

To access 30 Hours, the permission required is Read-Write-Delete for the business process Thirty Hour Entitlement User under the Provider Portal main business process.