BetterStart Users and Permissions
In the One Better Start portal there are two types of users who can perform the tasks mentioned below.
- Early Years Admin OfficersEarly Years Admin Officers
Early Years Admin Officer can perform the following task:
- Manage users
- Create tasks
- Send messages
- Create Early Years assessment templates in the v4 Client.
- Provider usersProvider users
Provider Users can perfom the following tasks:
- Enter assessment data for tasks assigned to them
- Handle their own ad hoc assessments,
- Read messages sent to them and run reports.
The LA Data Officer or Early Years Admin Officer can add and match children in the Portal Back Office.
See Portal User Account to create a Portal User.
Manage User Accounts
After a user is created and assigned to the appropriate security group in the v4 Client, they must then be granted access to the required providers and services in the Provider portal. This is done by selecting Manage Access from the Administration menu.
Review Users
The Review Users page is used to view the users that are currently registered to use the Provider portal, to update their email address and enable them to update their password. It is also used to reset a user account that is inactive in the v4 Client.
When a system administrator logs into the portal, their account is displayed as read-only
Business processes are assigned to a user group in the v4 Client via Tools | Permissions | User Group Processes |Main Business Process | Provider Portal.
Permission to Access Better Start
Permission can be given to one or both of the business processes mentioned below under Provider Portal main business process:
- Better Start Administrator - For Local Authority users who creates Better Start assessment tasks for providers to complete and tracking the status of tasks. This gives Users access to the BetterStart menu only.
- Better Start User - For provider users who are logging on to the Provider portal and submitting Early Years assessment data to the Local Authority.
Permission for Portal Administration
The Permission required to access one or both BetterStart and Administration menu are:
- Better Start Administrator
Gives access to BetterStart Menu only. - General Site Administrator
Both permissions gives access to both BetterStart and Administration Menu.
The Administration menu route enables the Local Authority to perform the following processes:
- Manage user access to Better Start information.
- Manage the setup and configuration of the website.
The Better Start | Administrator menu route enables the Local Authority Early Years Admin Officer to:
- Create tasks so that providers within the LA can complete Better Start assessment templates.
- Compose and send messages to Early Years providers.
- Manage service groups.
- Configure the Better Start application.
To perform any of the task mentioned requires additional Permissions.
To Create Templates and Manage AspectTo Create Templates and Manage Aspect
Permissions are required to create templates in PULSE v4 and Manage Aspects, including age mapping.
To manage templates, the permission required is Read-Write-Delete for the business process Manage Results under the Results Administration main business process.
To manage aspects, the permission required is Read-Write-Delete for the business process Manage Aspects under the Results Administration main business process.
To use Better Start ReportsTo use Better Start Reports
To use the Better Start reports in v4 Client, the user needs to have access to Better Start Reports via Tools | Permissions | Report Permissions.
To View Better Start Imports in Portal Back OfficeTo View Better Start Imports in Portal Back Office
In some Local Authorities, adding and matching Better Start assessments in Portal Back Office is performed by different roles to those who perform it for other submissions e.g. Headcount.
Permissions need to be set up to enable users to see unmatched children and children with data conflicts in the Portal Back Office that have been submitted via a Better Start assessment. The permission required is Read-Write for the business process Better Start under the Portal Back Office Access main business process.
See Permissions for more information on User Group Process.