My Sign-Off Requests – (Homepage Panel)

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A practitioner can see an overview of all their Countersignature requests via the My Sign Off Requests panel on the homepage.  Selecting a hyperlink within this panel presents the My Sign Off Requests page, listing the requests for the logged on user according to their status:

  • Changes needed and sign-off to be requested again.
    • Requests where a Manager/Senior Practitioner has opted to request changes rather than signing off the stage and;
    • Requests where a stage has been requested for countersignature, but further changes have been made since the request was made.
    • In both of the above scenarios, the request for sign off will need to be resubmitted once changes are completed.
  • Awaiting sign-off
    • Requests where no further changes have been made by the practitioner since the request for sign off and further action is required by a Manager or Senior Practitioner.
  • Signed-off
    • Requests that have been successfully sign off.
  • For each Status, the following information is displayed:
    • Date and time of the request.
    • Name of the person selected to sign off the request.
    • Client name.
    • AssetPlus Stage Type the request relates to.
    • Section(s) requested for sign-off.
    • Current Status of the request.
    • Action column containing the following buttons:
      • View Stage: Click to navigate directly to the relevant AssetPlus stage summary screen.
      • Notes: Click to view and/or add to the free text notes recorded by the person who requested sign off and anyone with sign off permissions who has added to the notes.
Related topics:

Request Countersignature

Countersignatures Required

Action Countersignature Requests