Online Parameters

This Administration page enables you to customize the information presented online according to your Local Authority's requirements.

These parameters are set up at the Local Authority level, so cover the whole of the online system. They include:

  • blocks of text that are included on specific pages of the A&T Online software to welcome applicants and guide them through the application process.
  • the In Year Applications allowed flag, which determines whether in year applications may be made online.
  • URLs for other relevant material such as a downloadable application form.

    Any URLs used in the memo fields must be entered on the Permitted Websites tab.

The following sections are available:

  • Website TextWebsite Text

    This section of the Administration | Online Parameters tab enables you to enter text specific to your Local Authority to assist parents in using Admissions and Transfers Online. The text is included on the website at particular points during the application process.

    Select the memo you wish to edit from the drop down list and click Edit to begin editing that memo’s text.

    Choose LanguageChoose Language

    Any URLs used in the memo fields must be entered on the Permitted Websites tab.

    Text or HTML can be entered in the memos. However, you must take care to add all appropriate tags when using HTML. It is recommended that you check the online display of the text to ensure that it appears as you expect.

    The following memos are available:

    • Application Information MemoApplication Information Memo

      This is the text that is displayed at the top of the home page in order to help applicants decide whether they should make an application or view existing applications. You can also use this memo to remind an applicant that they must resubmit an edited or viewed application.

    • Contact UsContact Us

      This memo should be used to tell parents how they can contact the admissions team if they have any queries. For example, you could include email links and the names, addresses and contact numbers of suitable persons.

      The contact information text opens in a new browser window when a parent selects the Contact Us link that is available at the foot of each Admissions Online page.

    • Data Protection MemoData Protection Memo

      This memo is displayed after a parent has decided to submit their application. It appears below the Terms & Conditions. The Data Protection Memo should be used to enter your Local Authority's statement of compliance with the Data Protection Act, how personal information is used and your LA’s policy on information sharing, etc.

      An applicant must confirm that they have read the Terms & Conditions and Data Protection statement before the application can be submitted.

      The data protection text displays in a new browser window when a parent selects the Data Protection link at the foot of each Admissions Online page.

    • Post Code Check Supporting TextPost Code Check Supporting Text

      This field enables you to alter the supporting text that appears above the postcode check field on the application form. It can be used to provide additional help or information regarding the postcode check function to users.

    • Preference MemoPreference Memo

      The text in this memo is displayed at the top of the Preference School Search screen. The Preference Memo should give the parents brief information about how they record their preferences, how many schools they can choose etc.

      This memo can also be used to explain to the applicants why they might need to enter reasons for their preferences.

      For example, a sentence might state:

      "If your child has a special reason that needs to be considered while assessing the application, please provide more details about it."

      The instructions under the Find a School heading (‘We’ve listed schools close to your post code' etc.) are hard coded, so you should not need to use the memo to explain how to use the search screen to applicants.

    • Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy

      Admissions and Transfers Online uses cookies for site customisation (e.g. remembering the selected font size) and for identification (so that a user can stay logged on throughout their browser session). Companies in the EU using cookies must comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 by providing a privacy policy that explains how those cookies are used.

      Local Authorities that host Admissions Online are fully responsible for their privacy/cookie legal statement.

      Capita have provided a default statement in the privacy policy memo, which complies with the cookie directive. This statement is available in English and Welsh and can be used by Local Authorities.

      The information in this memo is displayed when a parent selects the Privacy Policy link at the foot of each Admissions Online page.

    • Public Care QuestionPublic Care Question

      The DfE Code of Admissions for English Local Authorities advises that priority can be given to children who are either currently or have previously been in public care. The Public Care Question memo enables you to specify the text that asks parents whether the child has ever been in care / a looked-after child. Welsh Local Authorities can record this memo in both English and Welsh.

      By default, the Public Care Question is empty. If your Local Authority does not record any text in this memo area, then the following hard-coded wording is displayed on the Online form:

      Is your child registered as being in the care of a Local Authority e.g. are they fostered or a ‘Looked After’ child?

      There is also a Welsh language equivalent.

    • Services Family Supporting TextServices Family Supporting Text

      This field enables you to alter the supporting text that appears above the ’Is your child part of a Service or Crown Servant family?’ question. It can be used to explain your local definition of the terms “Services Family” and “Crown Servant.”

    • SEN Statement/EHCP QuestionSEN Statement/EHCP Question

      This field enables you to alter the text of the ‘Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs?’ question that appears on the Child Details page.

      For English LAs, there is a draft DfE SEN Code of Practice that proposes to replace SEN Statements with Education, Health and Care Plans over time, beginning in September 2014. When the statutory guidance from the DfE is confirmed, English LAs will be able to configure this question to refer to Education, Health and Care Plans if appropriate. Welsh LAs also have the facility to configure this question.

      If this field is left blank, the text ‘Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs?’ is displayed online in either English or Welsh, as selected.

    • Terms and Conditions MemoTerms and Conditions Memo

      This information is displayed after a parent has decided to continue to submit their application. It should be used to enter the legal terms and conditions that are displayed on the Submit Application page.

      An applicant must confirm that they have read the Terms & Conditions and Data Protection statement before the application can be submitted.

      The terms and conditions are also displayed when a parent selects the Terms & Conditions link, which is available at the foot of each Admissions Online page.

    • Welcome MemoWelcome Memo

      This memo enables your Local Authority to define its own text for the initial login screen of the Admissions and Transfers Online module. Text entered into the Welcome Memo is only seen by public users (as opposed to school users).

      Welcome text is displayed in the right hand panel on the login screen. The ‘Welcome to School Admissions Online’ heading at the top of this screen is hard coded, so you may choose not to repeat similar text in the Welcome Memo text.

  • URLsURLs

    All URLs must follow the standard format. e.g.

    This section of the Administration | Online Parameters tab enables you to enter the following URLs:

    Application Forms URLApplication Forms URL

    This URL should be entered when your Local Authority has created a page on its web server from which applicants can download blank application forms for admission to schools. Enter the path/URL to the page in this field. The URL must begin with https: or http: or ftp: in order to be valid.

    The Blank Application Form link at the bottom of the public facing Admissions and Transfers Online pages changes to read Application Forms once a URL has been saved. Clicking on this link takes applicants to the web page where they can select and download the appropriate form.

    The application form can be created as a Word document or .pdf file and must accurately reflect the fields and options that are available to online applicants. If the online options are changed then a new printable version must be uploaded.

    If your authority does not yet have a web page with links to suitable documents set up then you should leave the Application Form URL field blank. If this is the case then the Blank Application Form link in Admissions and Transfers Online remains unchanged.

    Education Websites URLEducation Websites URL

    This URL should be entered when your Local Authority has created a page with links to external education websites such as EduBase and Ofsted on its web server. Enter the path/URL to the page in this field. The URL must begin with https: or http: in order to be valid.

    Saving a URL creates a link reading Links to Education Websites at the bottom of the Admissions and Transfers Online pages. When an applicant clicks on this link they are taken to your Local Authority’s web page, from where they can access the websites.

    If the Education Websites URL is subsequently deleted then the link at the bottom of the public facing Admissions and Transfers Online pages does not display. This field can be left blank if required.

  • Data Processing RulesData Processing Rules

    These sections of the Administration | Online Parameters Tab enable you to specify how you wish data to be treated during the import process when an incoming student has other active records within the One database (e.g. active special needs records). This function then enables you to manage any conflicting information manually. These settings should be set before transferring/importing the relevant data.


    Address (Student, Sibling, Applicant):

    This field applies if the incoming student / applicant / sibling address does not match with the One address. You can only choose one of these options.

    Always Import (i.e. pure Applicant ownership) All data is imported, overwriting One data when the incoming data is different. However, please see note below.
    Always put in Conflict (i.e. pure Local Authority ownership)

    Incoming data is put into suspense if it is different to the One data.

    Import if null, else put in Conflict (i.e. partial Local Authority ownership) If the related One field is blank, the imported data item is imported. If the One field contains different data then that data is put into suspense.
    Don’t Import The data is not imported.

     If the address processing rule is set to Always Import and any of the "Suspend Conflicts for:" student options are checked and found active, then the Address data processing option changes to Import if null, else put in Conflict for that record. The data processing options remain unchanged in all other cases.

    Suspend Conflicts for:

    You can choose as many of these student groups as necessary.

    If the student data goes to suspense then the sibling and applicant data is held in suspense until the student records are imported.

  • Define Version of Online Applications Import to UseDefine Version of Online Applications Import to Use

    Applications created in A&T Online v3 and A&T Online v4 are handled slightly differently when they are imported into A&T Back Office.

    This setting affects the way that One deals with incoming students who are not already linked to the transfer group that was specified for them during the online application process. If v3 is selected then the student is displayed in the Automatched outside Transfer Group sub tab of the v3 client’s Tools | Manage eApplications | Unmatched screen. You can select a transfer group for this student to be added to manually. However, if v4 is selected then the matched student is linked to the incoming transfer group and no manual intervention is needed.

     You cannot revert to v3 once you have selected v4 as the default import version.

  • Schedule and Log Import of Online ApplicationsSchedule and Log Import of Online Applications

    Newly-submitted applications and resubmitted applications are imported each day on a scheduled basis. This import enables your Local Authority to validate and analyse the online applications quickly, following up any additional information / supplementary forms at the earliest opportunity.

    Schedule Import

    This section of the Administration | Online Parameters tab enables you to set up a scheduled time for the automatic import of online applications.

    Enter the time and click the Start Scheduled Task button. The import runs daily at the scheduled time until the Stop Scheduled Task button is clicked.

    Application Status/Error Log

    The Application Status/Error Log lists all files (applications and parent/carer responses) that have been imported.

    This log gives details of the import start date and time, the transfer group for which applications are being imported, any error numbers, a message to tell you that the import has finished and the numbers of successfully processed or failed applications. Select an error to display the full error message.

    Clearing the Logs

    You are advised to clear the logs periodically, as they could potentially get large and fill up the database.

    If you are a system administrator or have read-write or read-write-delete access to the Admissions set Up and Population | Applications Administration business process, you can click Edit to set dates before which the entries in the logs are cleared.

    There are two links, one for Applications and one for Responses. Each link has an associated date field that defaults to four months before the current system date, but can be changed. All the appropriate log entries prior to the displayed date are removed from the following tables when you click one of the links:

    • Application logs: ATON_PROCESS_ERROR and ATON_APPL_COUNT tables
    • Response logs: ATON_PCRESPONSE_PROCESS_ERR table

    Clearing the Application and Response Logs does not clear the Application Exceptions (ATON_EXCEPTION).

  • Public AccessPublic Access

    This section of the Administration | Online Parameters tab enables you to enter the following parameters:

    Public Access dates

    Enter the dates between which the public are permitted to access the Admissions Online system via the public interface. The closing date would normally be set a long time in the future. This function enables you to close the website for maintenance if required. The Public Access dates are not the same as the transfer group starting and closing dates.

    Allow In Year Applications Online

    Select this check box to enable members of the public to make applications online for in year school transfers.

  • Reminder Email SchedulingReminder Email Scheduling

    Note that the child’s forename/surname and date of birth are only included in these emails if Include Student Name and DOB in Emails has been selected in Display Options.

    This section of the Administration | Online Parameters Tab tab enables you to set the timing of the emails that are sent out automatically at various stages in the application process.

    Application Submission Reminder DaysApplication Submission Reminder Days

    This field sets the number of days before a transfer group closing date when hard-coded reminder emails are automatically sent to all applicants who have created an application but not yet submitted it.

    After the reminder threshold has been reached, a daily reminder email is sent to all such applicants until the transfer group closing date is passed.

    The default number is 7, but this field can be set to any number from 1 to 99. The number of days is included in the email.

    If you do not wish emails to be sent daily, reset the Application Submission Reminder Days to a lower number after the first batch of reminder emails has been sent. No additional reminder emails are then sent until the new threshold is reached.

    For example, suppose that Application Submission Reminder Days is set to 7. Ordinarily, One would start sending reminder emails seven days before the closing date, and would send one reminder email a day until closing. However, if you were to reduce Application Submission Reminder Days to 1 after the first emails had been sent, then no more emails would be sent until the day before the closing date.

    Days after Publicise Date for Offer EmailDays after Publicise Date for Offer Email

    This field determines how many days after the Publicise Date the offer emails are sent.

    Days after Publicise Date for Offer Email must be set to 0 at the start of the process to ensure that the offer emails are sent on the Publicise Date. Likewise, the field must beset back to 0 for each offer round (e.g. Primary and Secondary).

    If, due to an interruption, the scheduled offer emails have not all been sent, this field enables you to specify when you want the email scheduler to restart.

    Enter the number of days after the original Publicise Date that you want to restart the scheduler. The scheduler restarts from the last sent email.

    Parent/Carer Response Reminder DaysParent/Carer Response Reminder Days

    This field sets the number of days before the Response Closing Date when hard-coded reminder emails are automatically sent to all applicants who have not yet responded to an online offer.

    After the reminder threshold has been reached, a daily reminder email is sent to all such applicants until the transfer group closing date is passed.

    The default is 3 days, but this number can be edited. It can be cleared to a null value if required, indicating that your Local Authority is not sending reminder to respond emails. The closing date for responses is included in the email.

    The Enable Parent/Carer Response Online check box must also be selected and the Response Closing Date and Time fields on the Transfer Groups | E-Applications Settings tab must be completed.

    If you do not wish to send daily emails, reset the Parent/Carer Response Reminder Days to a lower number after the first batch of reminder emails has been sent. No additional reminder emails will be sent until the new threshold is reached.

  • Display and Email OptionsDisplay and Email Options

    This section of the Administration | Online Parameters Tab tab enables you to set the following parameters:

    • Password Verification check boxPassword Verification check box

      This check box indicates whether the applicant needs to login with a password after registering, before moving onto the Application Form. If this box is unchecked the data entered is saved and the applicant taken to the login screen. If the box is checked they are taken to the Home Page to complete the application form.

      The advantage of ensuring that the applicant is required to retrieve their password and login before continuing is that the existence of the applicant’s email account is verified, however this creates a time delay for the applicant.

      In order to help with retrieving forgotten passwords you need to select a question to which the applicant provides a secret answer. These are set up in Tools | Module Administration | User Codes | Password Hint Question (Lookup Table ID 0715).

      Please note the Password Hint Question must only have one active code available to use. Any more than one active code can lead to problems with which code is displayed within the A&T public facing system.

    • Online DatasetOnline Dataset

      If more than one dataset is in use in the Authority you need to select the dataset that is used by the public-facing version of Admissions and Transfers Online. Select from the list of datasets available here (if more than one is in use). It is not possible for you as a user to create new datasets; any datasets that exist are set up within the database when a Local Authority acquires the A&T V4 Online module.

    • Application / Appeal Form and LogoApplication / Appeal Form and Logo

      When an applicant is making an application or appeal via Admissions and Transfers Online, they have the option of printing out a version of the application or appeal form that they can then complete manually and post to the Authority.

      In order to make an appeal form available to applicants you must contact One Technical Services and send the file. They will then load it onto the Web Server.

      Prior to the EMS v3.21 Interim Release this was also the method used to add a link to a blank admissions application form. Following upgrade to this release the Application Form URL field should be used to enter path/URL to a page on your web server from which applicants can select and download the appropriate blank application form from a selection.

      The Authority's banner or logo can be displayed at the top of the screen. In order to make a logo visible online you must contact One Technical Services and send a suitable .gif. They will then load it onto the Web Server.

    • Display Postcode SearchDisplay Postcode Search

      These check boxes determine whether or not an online applicant can see and use the postcode and catchment search facilities. Both boxes are selected by default.

      Your Local Authority’s system must have access to local and surrounding address data in order to use the Postcode Search. This can be achieved by importing the LLPG (Local Land and Property Gazetteer) or PAF (Post Office File) Data.

      Your Local Authority must have defined catchment areas for use in the allocation routines in order to use the Catchment Search.

    • Include Student Name and DOB in EmailsInclude Student Name and DOB in Emails

      Each of the hard-coded emails sent from A&T Online (apart from those concerned with password/registration) can include the child’s name and date of birth. Including these details is a useful way of identifying the correct student in situations where an applicant is applying for more than one student within a given transfer year. Select the box to include this information. However, if your Local Authority has particular concerns about the data protection issues involved in including student personal details in emails, then you should leave the box unselected (the default).

    • Order of Text in Online Application EmailsOrder of Text in Online Application Emails

      This option is only available to Welsh Local Authorities. It enables them to choose the order in which the English and Welsh text appears in emails sent to applicants.

      The options are English followed by Welsh (default) or Welsh followed by English.

      • If English followed by Welsh is selected, then the first line of the message body is “Please scroll down to view this email in Welsh”.
      • If Welsh followed by English is selected, then the first line of the message body is “Please scroll down to view this email in English”.
    • School ChooserSchool Chooser

      Home Local Authority schools are always available for applicants to add as a preference. The School Chooser enables you to specify which other schools are available to applicants.

      You can elect to either include or exclude schools from specific locales(the Locales are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) or Local Authorities.

      Choose Display schools from or Display all schools except those from and then select a locale or Local Authority from the left-hand list. Use the blue select arrow to move the locale or Local Authority into the right-hand list. You can move items back again using the blue deselect arrow.

 Note that, due to security reasons, if you wish to upload a logo you should contact the One Technical Services team for assistance.

Transfer Group specific parameters are set in Process | Transfer Groups | E-Application Settings. These parameters include:

  • online labels.
  • transfer group starting and closing dates and times.
  • the publicise date.
  • enabling online responses.
  • the maximum number of preferences.
  • the UID prompt.
  • enabling the option to enter a moving date.
  • all the user-definable text that is included in the emails sent to applicants. Welsh authorities can enter this text in both Welsh and English.

Sub Group specific parameters are set up on the Process | Transfer Groups | Sub Group Details page. These parameters include:

  • setting up preference reasons that can be selected for specific sub groups of receiver schools.
  • sub-group specific oversubscription criteria text.
  • choosing special reason codes for use within a sub group.
  • flagging whether or not a given reason is available online
  • defining the online labels and descriptions for reason codes.