The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

E-Application Settings Tab

Release Note for Spring 2023 (3.80)
Labels on E-App Settings screen are now visible in Edit mode

E-Application settings for transfer groups are confi gured via Process | Transfer Groups | E-App Settings. Each transfer group can have different settings, which must be set before online applications open. Additional subgroup settings are configured via Process | Transfer Groups | Sub Groups | Additional Online Parameters and additional global settings are configured via Administration | Applications | Online Parameters.

The tab has the following sections (click on the section names for more detailed information on each section):

  • Basic DetailsBasic Details
    Enables you to specify online labels, dates, enabling online responses, the number of permitted preferences, the UID entry prompt and whether the Moving House question is presented to applicants.

    This section of the Process | Transfer Groups | E-Application Settings tab enables you to set parameters for the public-facing parts of A&T Online that are specific to a transfer group.

    Different sets of fields are displayed for in-year and normal phased transfer groups.

    Field Description
    Online Label for Transfer Group Since Admissions Online is used by parents making applications, it is advisable to use descriptions that will be easily understood by parents (i.e. avoiding any internal codes or abbreviations) to ensure that they select the correct transfer group.
    Online Starting and Closing Date and Time

    The dates between which applications can be submitted and the time of day the transfer group closes. Online alerts are triggered a specified number of days* before the closing date as follows:

    • An email is sent to applicants who have an application form saved but not submitted a specified number of days* before the transfer group closing date
    • An email is sent to all users who have submitted their application form stating their preference a specified number of days* before the transfer group closing date.

    The number of days is set in Online Parameters as Application Submission Reminder Days.

    See Emails Sent from Admissions and Transfers Online for more details about these emails.

    The Transfer Data functionality cannot be used before the closing date and time.

    Publicise Date

    The date when offers are published online and applicants are emailed to notify them of the offered school. This is mandatory if Enable Parent/Carer Response Online has been selected.

    Receiver Publicise Date

    The date after which receivers can view the students that have been allocated to their school in the Provider Portal.  

    This field is displayed for normal-phased transfer groups only.

    Enable Parent/Carer Response Online

    Selecting the Enable Parent/Carer Response Online check box enables applicants to record their responses to the offers on the Offer Information page in Admissions Online.

    The Response Closing Date field is now active and mandatory. It is best if a specific time is given for the closing of the response process, rather than setting the time element of this field to 00:00.

    The Publicise Date is now mandatory. This date must be before the response closing date.

    If Online Responses have been enabled you should also ensure that the Parent/Carer Response Reminder Days field in Online Parameters | Reminder Email Scheduling is set to a suitable value. This ensures that emails are sent to remind applicants who have not responded to their offer.

    Enable Progress/Status Updates via Citizen Portal

    This flag is only displayed for in-year transfer groups. Selecting the flag enables Citizen Portal status/progress updates for applications in this transfer group.

    Maximum Preferences Allowed Per Application

    Enter the maximum number of preference schools that can be selected by an applicant to this transfer group.

    Preference School search on Home LA Receivers only

    If this flag is selected, then applicants can only search for Home LA receivers when using the Citizen Portal.

    This is in accordance with statutory guidance stating that applicants apply for In Year school places directly to the preference school's Admission Authority or its maintaining LA. The flag also helps with the process for normal applications in Welsh LAs whereby applicants apply either directly to the preference school's maintaining LA or directly to the school itself.

    When a transfer group is copied to the next academic year, the Preference School search on Home LA Receivers only setting is copied to the new transfer group.

    Prompt for entry of UID in Online form

    This determines whether or not applicants are prompted to enter the UID that has already been distributed by the Local Authority. It is selected by default.

    Ask Parent for Moving Address and Date

    Select this check box to display the Moving Date question in the online form.

    If the child currently lives outside the area of the Local Authority to which they are applying, but is part of a returning Crown Servant or Service family that can provide official written confirmation that they are moving into the area before they start their new school, their new address is used for the admissions assessment.

    The policies of Local Authorities towards other applicants and children who move house between making their application and starting at the new school vary considerably. Therefore, the online help available to applicants informs them that unless the child is part of a returning Crown Servant or Service family that can provide official written confirmation that they are moving into the area before they start at their new school, they must contact the Local Authority directly with any changes.

    Request Council Tax Reference Online

    Select this check box to display a request for the applicant’s council tax reference number in the online form.

    The council tax reference can be used to verify the address of an applicant, thereby confirming that the applicant lives in a particular catchment area.

    Import Resubmitted Applications Automatically

    Select this check box to automatically import online applications that have been changed and resubmitted. These applications overwrite the existing applications, setting their status to Not Verified.

    If this check box is not selected, online applications that are changed and resubmitted are displayed in Process | Incoming Applications | Multiple Applications and must be resolved manually.

    Allow Applicants to Have Multiple Simultaneous Open In-Year Applications for a Student

    Select this check box to enable applicants to create multiple open in-year applications for a student.

    If this check box is not selected, then the applicant is prompted to either close or edit the existing application if they attempt to make a new in-year application when one is already open.

    This check box is only displayed for in-year transfer groups

    Allow Citizens to Remove In-Year Applications

    Select this check box to enable applicants to remove in-year applications via the Citizen Portal.

    If this check box is not selected, then the Close Application hyperlink is not displayed to applicants in the Citizen Portal.

    This check box is only displayed for in-year transfer groups

  • Online TextOnline Text
    Blocks of user defined text, displayed online and in emails. Welsh LAs can define text in both English and Welsh.

    These options enable you to enter the blocks of user-definable text that appear either on-screen or in emails sent to applicants through the application process. Welsh Local Authorities have the option to enter text in both English and Welsh and to choose the order in which these languages appear.

    Some of the text of the emails is hard coded and generated automatically by One, but most of the emails include a block of text that is user-definable for each transfer group.

    Each email can include the child’s name and date of birth. This is a particularly useful way of identifying the correct student where an applicant is applying for more than one student within a given transfer year.

    There is an important check box in the Display Options section of the Administration | Applications | Online Parameters tab, labelled Include Student Name and DOB in Emails. If you wish to include this information, tick the box. However, if your Local Authority has particular concerns about the data protection issues involved in including student personal details in emails, then you should leave the box unticked. The box is unticked by default.

    Details of all emails sent to applicants are stored in the email message log and can be retrieved using SQL queries. You can also nominate a BCC address in order to receive blind copies of emails.

    All Online Text options use a simple memo editor that produces HTML output. You do not need to know any HTML - simply type in your text and format it as you intend it to appear in the online application. We would recommend that you check the online display of the text to ensure that it appears as you expect.

    Field Description
    Choose Language This option is only available to Welsh authorities. The language is set to English for all other authorities.

    An online applicant to a Welsh authority can choose to use an English or Welsh version of the form. The questions and definitions on this tab page can be defined in both languages. The selected version is then displayed online. Select the language - English or Welsh - and enter the relevant text in the memo fields.
    Home Address Question This memo is used to define the question asked in an online application about whether or not the child’s home address is the same as the applicant’s. An example is given below, but it is recommended that you add further text to include your Local Authority’s definition of a home address for the purposes of admissions.

    English example:
    "Is the child’s Home Address the same as yours?"

    Welsh example:
    "Â yw cartref y plentyn yr un a'ch un chi?”
    In Year Transfer Process Description This memo describes your Local Authority’s in year application process.

    The text is displayed in Admissions Online after an applicant has selected the in-year transfer group but before the Date Place Required is displayed.
    Medical Question A transfer group-level description of the medical preference reason. This text is only displayed if the LA has selected Medical Reason as an oversubscription criterion.

    If Medical Reason text is defined at the subgroup level (via Process | Transfer Groups | Additional Online Parameters), then that text overrides any text entered in the Medical Question field. If no text is entered in either location, a default question is displayed.
    Moving Date Text This memo is used to define the question asked in an online application about whether or not the child is moving house.

    An example is given below, but it is recommended that you add further text if necessary. For example, you may wish to refer to the child rather than the applicant, tell applicants your Local Authority’s policy, or detail the procedure that applicants should follow to provide moving details.

    English example:
    "If you are moving from the above address please supply date"

    Welsh example: "
    Os ydych yn symyd o'r cyfeiriad uchod, rhowch y dyddiad."
    Offer Information This email is sent to parents/carers who have asked to be sent emails. After the allocations have been set and the Publicise date has passed the email can be sent to all relevant parents/carers to inform them of their offer of a school place.

    This memo is used to enter information that you wish to provide to applicants. It appears above the list of preferences for the child.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank a block of default text is included.
    Offer Response Confirmation This email sends a confirmation to applicants when they have submitted their responses to offers made online. The email is sent once the applicants have completed the information on the Offer Information page online and clicked the Next button.

    This memo should be used to enter information you wish to provide to applicants. It appears above the list of preferences for the child.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank, a block of default text is included.
    Reminder to Respond to Offer This email is sent to those online applicants who have not responded to their offers. It is only sent where the transfer group has the Enable Online Parent / Carer Responses check box selected on Process | Transfer Groups | E-Applications Settings and there is a number of days entered in the Parent/Carer Response Reminder Days field in the Reminder Email Scheduling section of the Administration | Applications | Online Parameters tab.

    This memo is used to enter information that you wish to provide to applicants. It appears as the first paragraph of the email.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank, a block of default text is included.
    Reminder to Submit Application This email is automatically sent to all applicants who have created an application but have not yet submitted it. It is sent a certain number of days before the transfer group closing date. The number of days is set on the Administration | Applications | Online Parameters tab.

    This memo is used to enter information that you wish to provide to applicants. It appears as the first paragraph of the email.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank, a block of default text is included.
    Resubmission Reminder This email is generated if an application has been edited online after it had been previously submitted, but the edited application was not resubmitted on the day that the edit took place.

    This memo is used to enter information that you wish to provide to applicants. It appears near the beginning of the email.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank, a block of default text is included.
    Resubmitted Application Confirmation After an applicant has edited and submitted an application in a normal phased admissions round, they are sent an email to inform them that changes have been made. The email includes their preferences and includes the Publicise date. The text varies slightly depending on whether or not the applicant has expressed a wish to be informed of their offer by email.

    In year applications cannot be edited online by applicants.

    This memo is used to enter information that you wish to provide to applicants. It appears above the list of preferences for the child.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank, a block of default text is included.
    Sibling Question This memo is used to define the question in Admissions Online that asks whether or not the child has a sibling at the preference school. An example is given below, but it is recommended that you add further text to include your Local Authority’s definition of a sibling for the purposes of admissions criteria.

    English example:
    "Does your child have a sibling who will still be attending the school when your child starts?

    Welsh example:
    "Oes gan eich plentyn frawd/chwaer a fydd dal yn mynychy'r ysgol pan mae'ch plentyn yn cychwyn?
    Submission Confirmation Applicants are sent an email to confirm application details when they submit a new application (Normal Phased or In Year). This email includes their preferences and the Publicise date. The text varies slightly depending on whether or not the applicant has expressed a wish to be informed of their offer by email

    This memo should be used to enter information that you wish to provide to applicants. It appears above the list of preferences for the child.

    The memo can be left blank if your Local Authority does not wish to enter its own text. If the memo is left blank a block of default text is included.
  • Additional QuestionsAdditional Questions
    Enables you to select transfer group specific questions to be asked to applicants during the application process. 

    The Additional Questions tab enables you to select additional questions to be displayed to applicants when applying for receivers in the selected transfer group.

    Questions must be configured in the Citizen Portal question library before they can be selected. For more information on configuring additional questions, see the Configurable Question Library section of School Place Administration.

    For any questions which have the Explanatory Text Requested field set to Not Specified, select an option from the Explanatory Text Requested drop-down menu. The available options are

    • Do not ask
    • Mandatory
    • Optional

    You cannot edit explanatory text requirements at a transfer group level for questions that already have a value specified in the Explanatory Text Required field.

  • Additional Questions (subgroup default)Additional Questions (subgroup default)
    Enables you to select subgroup specific questions to be asked to applicants during the application process. 

    The Additional Questions (subgroup default) tab enables you to select a set of default subgroup-level questions to be displayed to applicants when applying for receivers in the selected transfer group.

    Questions configured in the Additional Questions (subgroup default) tab are defined at the subgroup level, rather than at the transfer group level. Only questions stored in the A&T subgroup-level library can be selected for use on this tab. For more information on configuring question libraries, see the Configurable Question Library section of School Place Administration.

    The question set defined on this tab is displayed to the applicant in the following circumstances:

    • When applying for a school which is not in a named subgroup.
    • When applying for a school which is in a subgroup that does not have any subgroup-specific questions specified.

    The chooser used on the Additional Questions (subgroup default) tab is the same as the one used on the Additional Questions tab.

  • Supporting EvidenceSupporting Evidence
    Enables you to specify what types of documents can be uploaded in support of applications.

    Configuration options include maximum file sizes (1MB to 20MB), the number of files allowed per application (1 to 20 files), and the types of files accepted (from docx, doc, pdf, jpeg, jpg, bmp, png).

    All files attached to applications in this manner will be checked for viruses, before being attached to the application.

    Owing to the number of applications received, and the fact that these files must be stored and backed up appropriately, we recommend setting the file size and number of files values to be as low as possible for your process – photographs of evidence taken with a mobile device are typically smaller than 3MB, while we would recommend setting the number of files to the same number of active preferences for the transfer group.