Better Start Overview

The One Better Start Assessment portal uses the One Provider portal. It enables the Local Authority to collect and analyse progress, developmental and attainment data for 0-5 year olds directly from the providers.

Assessment templates can be defined by each local authority to support statutory and local assessment collections. Assessment information recorded by providers is automatically updated and held centrally against children’s records in One PULSE. This enables regular progress checks to record whether children are below, in accordance with or above age expectation per assessment statement.

The Local Authority can update gradesets and define age mapping bands to enable reports to be produced to identify which children need support in particular areas.

Better Start uses the Portal Back Office in One v4 Online to match incoming student information with existing details in the One database.

Better Start Portal allows Early Admin Officers and Provider users to use the system for:

Tasks are created by the Local Authority and request attainment information from Early Years providers. Providers must complete tasks that are assigned to them by the submission deadline.

The Messages option is used to compose messages to providers or services and to view a log of messages sent.

Service groups enable you to process several services together when creating tasks, composing messages or generating reports

The Better Start Configuration page enables the Local Authority to specify what data to collect via the Provider portal and whether the My Reports tab is enabled on the provider’s home page.

  • Provider Home

This is the Provider home page which consist of My tasks, My Messages and My Reports

The process that the service provider follows is to complete tasks assigned to them.

Admin staff can use the menus to administer the portal.

Refer to the Technical Guides below for:
Deploying and Configuring the One Provider Self Service Portal for Local Authorities.

Setting Up One Better Start for Local Authorities.

Developing Better Start Reports.