Create a New Transfer Group

A transfer group is a group of children who are applying to change school. A child must be a member of a transfer group in order for their school place application to be processed and an offer made.

More information on setting up transfer groups

  1. Select Process | Transfer Groups to display the Transfer Groups screen.
  2. Click the Add New Transfer Group hyperlink to display editable fields relating to transfer group details.
  3. Add transfer group basic details.
    For In Year transfer groups:
    • The In Year check box must be selected. Transfer groups with this check box selected support students of different ages from multiple NCYs in one transfer group.
    • Intake NCY and Student NCY are not used for In Year transfer groups.
  4. Add Coordinating Local Authorities, or edit copied LAs.
  5. Define sub groups or edit copied sub groups.
  6. Add feeders.
  7. Add students.
  8. For In Year transfer groups, define process periods and record vacancies.
  9. If the transfer group is to be made available for online applications, then add E-Application Settings.
  10. If test scores are to be used as part of the allocation process, then associate tests with transfer groups.