The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

scheduled tasks

| Scheduled TasksHeader Section | Scheduled Tasks Tab | Task Log Tab | Add a new scheduled task | Historic SEND |

Click the Add New Task button to add a new scheduled task for the selected base(s).

Task Details tab

Choose from the following Data Filter Details:

Export from School

  • Attainment Data
    • Enter information as required.
    • Click Test file access to ensure the server can read/write to the locations specified.
  • Attendance Data

    • Enter information as required.
    • Additional filters:
      • Leavers
      • Looked After
      • NCY
        Where no NCY is selected, All will be assumed and children who are Exempt from NCY will be included.
  • Attendance Data (API)

    • Select as required.
  • Changed Data
    img alt="" class="image" data-cke-saved-src="../images/tasks7.png" src="../images/tasks7.png" title="" />
    • Select as required.
  • Changed Data (API)
    • Select as required.
  • Snapshot Data
    • Enter information as required.
    • Additional filters:
      • Leavers
      • Looked After
      • NCY
        Where no NCY is selected, All will be assumed children who are Exempt from NCY will be included.
  • Snapshot Data (API)
    • Select as required.

Task Scheduler tab

For the Weekly and Monthly options, the Advanced Settings enable you to run a task more than once on a specified day and also to set an expiry date

  • Enter details as required.
  • Choose from the following options:
    • Once
      The task will run a single time, commencing at the date and time specified in the Start field.  
    • Weekly
      The task will run once a day at the time specified in the Start field on each selected day of the week.  
    • Monthly
      The task will run once a day at the time specified in the Start field on the selected day for each selected month.