The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

B2B Student

B2B Student is a module within One which enables the import of student data from schools to the Local Authorities via the Wonde API.

The following requirements need to be set up in order to use B2B Student:

| Setup & Permissions | v4 Online | v4 Client |

Usernames and PasswordsPermissions | Scheduled Tasks | Alerts | B2B Attainment

How to Set up Scheduled Tasks in v4 client

As part of the regular maintenance of data imported from schools, a number of scheduled tasks can be setup and run to clear conflicts, delete files and clear cached data.

  1. Select Tools | Administration | Scheduled Task.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter information as required.
  4. Click the Add button in the 02.Trigger panel.
    Select the day, time and frequency of when you wish this schedule task to run.
    A process will be run depending on the settings that have been defined in the System Defaults.
  5. Click the Add button in the 03. Actions panel.
  6. Select from the options as required.

Clear Conflicts

To help resolve data conflicts, One displays incoming data that conflicts with data already in the database in the Manage Data Conflicts screen. Currently, if a user changes the data in One to match that of the incoming data but the conflict has not been resolved via the Manage Data Conflicts screen, then the data is still displayed as in conflict.

A scheduled task can be created in One v4 client to clear these conflicts. After the schedule task has run, any other conflicts where the incoming data is different to the data held in One for the student will continue to display this information in the relevant tabs and will not be cleared.

To set up the scheduled task:

  1. Select Tools | Administration | Scheduled Task.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter information as required.
  4. In the 03. Actions panel, select B2B:Student Process for Clearing Conflicts from the Action drop down.

Delete Files

When the data is transfered from the Wonde API via B2B Student there are no files created. However, the data that is transferred is stored as a 'virtual'  file in the One database. A scheduled task can be created in One v4 client to enable LAs to delete these files automatically.

To set up the scheduled task:

  1. Select Tools | Administration | Scheduled Task.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter information as required.
  4. In the 03. Actions panel, select the B2B:Student Process for Deleting Files option from the Action drop-down list

Clear Cached Data

When data is imported into One, it is stored in a cache table so that it can be compared to future data imports. This minimizes the amount of duplicated data held in the conflict screens so that the user only has one conflict to process and is not presented with numerous conflicts all of which are identical but from different imports. A scheduled task can be created in One v4 client to schedule cache flushes in order to refresh the data held for comparison.

To set up the scheduled task:

  1. Select Tools | Administration | Scheduled Task.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Enter information as required.
  4. In the 03. Actions panel, select the B2B:Student Process for Clearing Cache option from the Action drop-down list.