One Education Release Notes

Fixes  |  Compatibility Details

New and Updated Functionality

The table below lists all the new and updated functionality for releases.

Use the Release Filter to select the release to find new/changed features for that release, you can then filter by product if required.  A summary of the change displays.  Click on the Change in the Change column to see the full details about the functionality.  Click on column headings to change the sort order.
Click here to download a spreadsheet of the New and Changed Functionality

ReleaseProductChangeTypeLast Updatedhf:tax:releasehf:categories
3.82, Early Years – Childcare changes (England) (3.82)New, Updated12/03/20243-82early-years early-years-and-headcount
3.82, IYSS – NCCIS Statutory changes for 2024-2025 (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI1 Accommodation Suitability – new Overall Accommodation Suitability page (3.82)New11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82Statutory Wales Only – EOTAS Census (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPIs 3-5 New section added to YJ case view called Personal Needs (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI2 Education, Training and Employment – Enumerations for Provision Type (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI7 Wider Services – screen changes in Client Summary change page (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82FID – The Toggle Map function now shows providers on the map (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82family-services-information early-years
3.82Statutory WALES – PLASC Post 16 Census (3.82) (still provisional)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82, Provider Portal – England ONLY: Changes to Sex and Gender (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82portals provider-portal
3.82Statutory England & Wales – Import of latest AMPARK and CTF Translation files (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82Statutory Early Years – EYFSP Census (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – Key Stage 1 Assessments (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – KS1 Phonics Screening Check (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: PNLD Offence list updated to v5.1.1 (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Statutory – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus free text fields not included in Case Level Data (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Record Hours Completed against existing unpaid work requirement in YRO intervention programmes (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: YJMIS & Case Transfers schema versions updated to V8.0.0 (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI10 Victims – screen changes in Victim details change page (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: New Activity Types for YROs and Referral Orders (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Mapping of Sex updated for V8 schema Case Transfers (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.82Statutory Wales – PLASC Attendance Return (3.82)Updated11/03/20243-82statutory-returns-2
3.82, B2B – Delete existing inactive scheduled tasks (3.82)New11/03/20243-82b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.82, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: KPI Tables (3.83)New11/03/20243-82youth youth-justice
3.81, IYSS – New Client History Audit Trail (3.81)New06/11/20233-81integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.81Technical – Support for ODAC 12c is ending (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81technical
3.81, B2B – B2B matching rules updated to include gender records with a value of U-Unknown (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.81, Early Years – Option to make evidence uploads mandatory in TYOF Portal (3.81)New06/11/20233-81early-years two-year-old-funding
3.81, IYSS – New Client Merge process (3.81)New06/11/20233-81integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.81, IYSS – New System Admin panel on the homepage (3.81)New06/11/20233-81integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.81, , , Portals/v4 Client/Statutory England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81citizen-portal portals statutory-returns-2 v4-client
3.81, , SEND – Bulk un-authentication of caseloads for Professional Portal users (3.81)New06/11/20233-81portals professional-portal sen-send
3.81, , SEND – Case status is visible against each record on the select person page on Professional Portal (3.81)New06/11/20233-81portals professional-portal sen-send
3.81SEND – Character length of ‘Current Rate’ field in Provisions increased to allow large amounts of top-up funding (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send
3.81, , SEND – File types that can be uploaded to a File question on a SEND portal form are now definable (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81portals professional-portal sen-send
3.81SEND – Form submitter’s email address & child/young person’s DOB to show in Form Details in SEND Portal Management area (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send
3.81, , SEND – Improved functionality in Search Forms page in SEND Portal Management (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81portals professional-portal sen-send
3.81SEND – New field ‘Information Due Deadline (Days)’ added to SEND Portal Form Definition (3.81)New06/11/20233-81sen-send
3.81Statutory – Alternative Provision Census 2024 (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81statutory-returns-2
3.81, Statutory – Early Years Census 2023 (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81early-years statutory-returns-2
3.81Statutory – School Census 2023/2024 Return (England Specific) (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81statutory-returns-2
3.81, Statutory – UK Bases Table (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81bases other-modules
3.81, Statutory SEN2 – Annual review decision external codes added to lookup list 0441 (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.81, Statutory SEN2 – Gov.UK Notify is now the default email method for SEN2 (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.81, Statutory SEN2 – No longer mandatory to record attendance pattern (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.81, Statutory SEN2 – Placement records can be saved without having to record if they are a transfer (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.81, Statutory SEN2 – Placement Type Reason added to panel 4 in Placements/Transfers for Placement Type of Other (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.81Statutory Wales – PLASC Attendance 2023 Return (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81statutory-returns-2
3.81, System – Improvements made to One Cloud Assistant (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81system-system system
3.81Transport – Users with active sessions and time their last session started (3.81)New06/11/20233-81transport-2
3.81, YJ – Schema validations added at Countersignature Request stage and Completion Stage (3.81)New06/11/20233-81youth youth-justice
3.81, YJ – When initiating case transfers, issues with the build or service are identified so that case transfers do not fail (3.81)New06/11/20233-81youth youth-justice
3.81, , SEND – Date of Birth placeholder added to portal message templates to further identify the subject (3.81)Updated06/11/20233-81portals professional-portal sen-send
3.80.102B2B/Portals/System/Statutory England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.80.102)New, Updated3-80-102not-specific-product
3.80.102, , IYSS & YJ England ONLY – Changes to Sex, Gender and Gender Identity (3.80.102)Updated3-80-102integrated-youth-services-iyss youth youth-justice
3.80.100Statutory Statutory CBDS – Home Religion (3.80.100)Updated23/06/20233-80-100statutory-returns-2
3.80.100Transport NI ONLY – Additional Scripts to add a unique identifier to the transport tables (3.80.100)New23/06/20233-80-100transport-2
3.80.100Statutory – School Census 2023/2024 Return (England Specific) (3.80.100)Updated23/06/20233-80-100statutory-returns-2
3.80.100Statutory CTF – Common Transfer File (3.80.100)Updated23/06/20233-80-100statutory-returns-2
3.80Technical – WebView2 required when installing v4 Client on to a server (3.80)New29/03/20233-80technical
3.80Technical – SQL Server 2016 SP2 (64 bit) no longer supported (3.80)Updated27/03/20233-80technical
3.80, B2B – Ability to transfer data using APIs (3.80)New28/03/20233-80b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.80, Accessibility – Improvements made to FSM/TYOF Step 4 Summary page so that it is in a more readable format on mobile phone (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80citizen-portal portals
3.80A&T – Labels on E-App Settings screen are now visible in Edit mode (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80at
3.80, Statutory – UK Bases Table (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80bases other-modules
3.80SEND Wales Only – Users presented with a message relevant to the SEN legislation when issuing a final Statement (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80sen-send
3.80Statutory Wales – PLASC Attendance 2023 Return (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80Statutory England & Wales – Import of latest AMPARK and CTF Translation files (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – Key Stage 1 Assessments (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80Statutory Early Years – EYFSP Census (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80Statutory Wales Only – EOTAS Census – Exclusions details of a child included when that child is excluded from a PRU school (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80, System – Migrate to latest version of Google Analytics (3.80)New, Updated28/03/20233-80system system-system
3.80, Youth Justice – Fine field in Outcome when recording a court appearance now accepts pounds and pence (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80youth youth-justice
3.80, Citizen Portal – List of schools when adding a child in a FSM application is the same as the list of schools when adding a child in My Family (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80citizen-portal portals
3.80, IYSS – NCCIS Statutory changes for 2023-2024 (3.80)Updated27/03/20233-80integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.80, IYSS NCCIS Checker Tool (v1.2.17) – changes for 2023-2024 (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.80SEND Wales Only – Record SEN Status of S or Q when the Default LA value in System Admin is the same as the student’s Home LA and Funding LA value (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80sen-send
3.80Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – KS1 Phonics Screening Check (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80Statutory WALES – PLASC Post 16 Census (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80statutory-returns-2
3.80, System – Permission to manage the Last Activity page (3.80)New28/03/20233-80system system-system
3.80Transport – Dates repositioned in the pop ups for an assessment and to link the journey to the ticket (3.80)Updated28/03/20233-80transport-2
3.76, IYSS/Aspire/NCCIS Checker Tool – Updates to LA codes for Northamptonshire (3.76)Updated19/08/20213-76integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.79, System Admin – New screen available to show list of users with active sessions and time their last session started (3.79)New09/11/20223-79administration system
3.79, SEN/SEND – Changes to support the SEN2 Person Level Return (3.79)New, Updated10/11/20223-79sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.79, IYSS/YJ – Tooltip for deceased parent/carer (3.79)New, Updated10/11/20223-79integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.79, Statutory / A&T – ALT Files Support Alphanumeric LA Numbers (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79at statutory-returns-2
3.79Statutory – UK Bases Table (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79statutory-returns-2
3.79Statutory – Alternative Provision Census 2022 (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79statutory-returns-2
3.79Statutory WALES – PLASC Annual Census (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79statutory-returns-2
3.79, Citizen Portal – Accessibility Improvements (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79citizen-portal portals
3.79, , Citizen / Professional Portal – Session Timeout Messages Added (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79citizen-portal portals professional-portal
3.79, Statutory – Early Years Census 2023 (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79early-years statutory-returns-2
3.79Statutory Wales Only – EOTAS Census (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79statutory-returns-2
3.79Statutory – School Census 2022/2023 Return (England Specific) (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79statutory-returns-2
3.79Transport – Improvements added to various screens to improve user experience (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79transport-2
3.79, IYSS – New Bulk Update Function – Confirm Currency (3.79)New10/11/20223-79integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.79, YJ – Realignment of columns when in Add Parent Carer popup in AssetPlus (3.79)Updated10/11/20223-79integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.79, IYSS – New Bulk Update Features – Pagination / Filter options / Delete Multiple Jobs (3.79)New, Updated10/11/20223-79integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.79SEND Wales Only – New configuration option that controls whether ALN statuses are visible on Assessment Involvements (3.79)New, Updated10/11/20223-79sen-send
3.79, IYSS – New Bulk Update Feature – Auto delete historic jobs (3.79)New10/11/20223-79integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.79, , , Sys Admin / IYSS – Archive & Delete – IYSS Clients (3.79)New10/11/20223-79administration integrated-youth-services-iyss system youth
3.79, IYSS – New Bulk Update Function – Add Situation (3.79)New10/11/20223-79integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.78, Citizen Portal Accessibility Statement (3.78)Updated17/08/20223-78citizen-portal portals
3.78, , Grants & Benefits – Results of ECS Checks are stored and imported into Back Office (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78grants-and-benefits portal-back-office portals other-modules
3.78, Citizen Portal – Changes made to Eligibility Check screens (3.78)New, Updated10/06/20223-78citizen-portal portals
3.78, Citizen Portal – Child at unsupported school can apply for Free School Meals at supported school (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78citizen-portal portals
3.78, Citizen Portal – Application Conditions available on Free School Meals Administration (3.78)New10/06/20223-78citizen-portal portals
3.78Transport – Attendance and Exclusion tables added to the Education tab (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78transport-2
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: YJMIS & Case Transfers schema versions updated to V7.0.0 (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: YJMIS & CMS – Enumeration values added to schema (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Questions removed in Leaving Custody module and Pathways and Planning (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Parent/Carer field added at top of Parent/Carer Self Assessment page (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Leaving Custody module (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Gender field renamed and additional questions (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Bail Condition field size increased in Bail and Remand Court Outcome (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus: Date/Time stamp added to Self Assessment for Young Person & Parent/Carer (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: Alert message displays if a parent/carer who completed the self assessment are excluded/deleted (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: New resettlement questions in Pathways & Planning (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: New Accommodation Type of ‘Other (please specify)’ (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, Early Years – Payment Collected column added to Generated Provider Payments (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78early-years early-years-and-headcount
3.78Transport – Improvements made to the Summary panel (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78transport-2
3.78, Youth Justice – PNLD Offence list updated to v4.9 (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78youth youth-justice
3.78, IYSS – NCCIS re-run flag automatically set based on number of runs in period (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.78, IYSS – Authorised users can view and access the Bulk Update Assign Baseline Status Job on the bulk update monitoring screen (3.78)New10/06/20223-78integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.78Statutory CTF – Common Transfer File (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78statutory-returns-2
3.78Statutory – School Census 2022/2023 Return (England Specific) (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78statutory-returns-2
3.78Technical – SQL Server 2019 support (3.78)New10/06/20223-78technical
3.78Technical – .Net Framework V4.6.0 & 4.6.1 no longer supported for v3 and v4 client (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78technical
3.78B2B – Scheduled tasks are added to a queue to ensure they don’t fail (3.78)New10/06/20223-78b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.78B2B – Scheduled task Action to pre-populate SIMS API Base credentials (3.78)Updated10/06/20223-78b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.77, Citizen Portal Accessiblity Statement Updated (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77citizen-portal portals
3.77, Professional Portal – Performance improvement for Select Person page (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77portals professional-portal
3.77, System – Student delete functionality no longer dependent on v3 permissions (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77system-system system
3.77, IYSS – Users can define a name for the bulk update job that they are executing (3.77)New03/04/20223-77integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.77, Statutory Phonics (Locale 1) – Phonics Screening Check (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.77, Statutory England & Wales – Import of latest AMPARK and CTF Translation files (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.77, , System – Forum Hyperlinks added to all One Education Screens (3.77)New03/04/20223-77administration system-system system
3.77Statutory – UK Bases Table (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77statutory-returns-2
3.77, B2B – Changes to support latest SIMS API (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.77, B2B – Addition logging for scheduled tasks has been added (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.77, B2B – Wording change from SIMS Primary API to SIMS API (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.77, Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – Key Stage 1 Assessments (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.77SEN/SEND Wales Only – Alert Message displays to users after entering the Final Date (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77sen-send
3.77SEN/SEND – Wording change on Warning Message When Deleting a Placement Record (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77sen-send
3.77Statutory WALES – PLASC Post 16 Census (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77statutory-returns-2
3.77, B2B – The NCY value defaults to ALL when not set in scheduled tasks (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.77, B2B – Changes to import of Attendance to support latest SIMS API (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.77, Early Years – Authorised Payments to Providers can be Split into Monthly Payments (3.77)New03/04/20223-77early-years early-years-and-headcount
3.77, Statutory Early Years – EYFSP Census (3.77)Updated03/04/20223-77early-years statutory-returns-2
3.77, IYSS – Authorised users can view and access the Bulk Update Lead Worker Job on the bulk update monitoring screen (3.77)New03/04/20223-77integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.77, B2B – SIMS API Base credentials and B2B System Parameters (3.77)New03/04/20223-77b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – Record when the establishment named on the EHC plan is different to where the child or young person is currently attending (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – Reports that help LAs identify data they need to tidy in readiness for the SEN2 person level return (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – External codes added to SEN Tribunal Type lookup table (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – Aggregate level return changes to support person level return (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.76Statutory WALES – PLASC Annual Census (3.76)Updated11/11/20213-76statutory-returns-2
3.76Statutory Wales Only – EOTAS Census (3.76)Updated20/08/20213-76statutory-returns-2
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – new Placement Rank History Across All Bases panel added to Placements/Transfers screen (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.76, Citizen Portal Accessibility Statement Updated (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76citizen-portal portals
3.76, , , Attendance – SQL Script to delete duplicate attendance data in bulk for LA’s (3.76)New01/10/20213-76attendance-performance-management-data-monitoring performance-monitoring-data-management system-system system
3.76Statutory – File versions for 2021/2022 (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76statutory-returns-2
3.76Statutory – Alternative Provision Census 2022 (3.76)New, Updated01/10/20213-76statutory-returns-2
3.76, , Transport – exceeding the length of a UDF in a transport application no longer causes issues when importing (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76citizen-portal portals transport-2
3.76, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus additional flags in Foundations for Change Record (3.76)New01/10/20213-76youth youth-justice
3.76, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus additional flags in Personal, Family & Social Factors Record (3.76)New01/10/20213-76youth youth-justice
3.76, Citizen Portal – Grants & Benefits | FSM Settings now stored in the database (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76citizen-portal portals
3.76Statutory – Script to include only NCY2 students in Phonics 2021 Autumn return (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76statutory-returns-2
3.76Statutory – School Census Return 2021/2022 Return (England Specific) (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76statutory-returns-2
3.76Transport – Issue Invoices on Recently Expired Journeys / Allow invoices to be issued when student journeys are still active (3.76)New01/10/20213-76transport-2
3.76, Statutory – Admissions Files: export phone number associated with admission application (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76at statutory-returns-2
3.76Technical – Internet Export 11 (IE11) is no longer supported (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76technical
3.76, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus additional flags in Offending and Anti-Social Behaviour Record (3.76)New01/10/20213-76youth youth-justice
3.76, Statutory – Early Years Census 2022 (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76early-years statutory-returns-2
3.76Transport – ORDDRIVING and ORDWALKING parameters now included in distance calculations (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76transport-2
3.76Transport – Last updated information for address history is displayed (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76transport-2
3.76, System – Capita One Smart Client Setup and load screens show updated logo (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76system system-system
3.74.015, 3.75.008System – CBDS Wales Only: External Codes for SEN Stage (3.74.015 & 3.75.008)Updated01/10/20213-74-015 3-75-008statutory-returns-2
3.76, Citizen Portal – Parents/Carers can apply for Free School Meals after a previous period of FSM eligibility has lapsed (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76citizen-portal portals
3.76, B2B – Data Items added to SIMS8 and SIMS Primary data transfer files (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.76, IYSS – New screen for monitoring bulk update jobs for interactions (3.76)New01/10/20213-76integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – External codes added to ‘Reason for mediation’ lookup table (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.76, Youth Justice – In YJMIS Export Job the YJB Route changed to YJB Destination/Organisation (3.76)Updated01/10/20213-76youth youth-justice
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – New field for SEN Secondary Need (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New, Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – Placement/Transfers screen: New field to record Attendance Pattern / Pre-population changes (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001, SEN/SEND/Student record – New field to record ‘No Identifier Available Reason’ on the student record (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New, Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send v4-client
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – SEN2 Return: Designated Medical Officer / Clinical Officer changed from free text field to drop-down list (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – New code added to Assessment Type lookup table (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – New codes added to SEN School Type lookup table (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.76, , System Administration – Licence Management Migration – A new Licencing screen can now be accessed from within System Administration in v4 online (3.76)New01/10/20213-76administration system-system system
3.76, , System Administration – A new Manual Address Merge screen can now be accessed from within Address Management in v4 online (3.76)New01/10/20213-76administration system-system system
3.76, , System Administration – New Address Id field in Manage Addresses screen (3.76)New01/10/20213-76administration system-system system
3.75.011, 3.76.001, , SEN/SEND/Bases – UKPRN can be stored on the Base record which can then be used in the return if URN not present (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New, Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001bases other-modules sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – Additional ‘Inactive Reasons’ introduced for Assessment Involvements (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New, Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75.011, 3.76.001SEN/SEND – Recording the LA a person has transferred out to when a decision to assess has been reached but the assessment is subsequently exported to another local authority (3.75.011 & 3.76.001)New, Updated10/12/20213-75-011 3-76-001sen-send
3.75Transport – Issue to be aware of: [ONE] link results in a messageIssue13/07/20213-75transport-2
3.75, System – Linked Documents now open automatically and the directory path no longer needs to be manually added. (3.75)Updated24/06/20213-75system system-system
3.75Technical – CCS Enterprise Server Configuration Utility, Configure One Education Client has a new value to identify the environment name (3.75)Updated10/09/20213-75technical
3.75, , Statutory – New parameters for Admissions File transfers (3.75)New, Updated09/06/20213-75administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.75Technical – Oracle 19c Client (32-bit) is now supported for the v3 and v4 Client, and Oracle and (32-bit) are no longer supported for the v3 and v4 Client (3.75)Updated13/07/20213-75technical
3.75, Technical – Youth no longer supports IE v11 (3.75)Updated3-75technical youth
3.75Technical – Oracle 19c (Database) is now supported, and Oracle (Database) is no longer supported (3.75)New, Updated13/07/20213-75technical
3.75, One Education Client Replacement for Silverlight components – Silverlight no longer supported (3.75)New, Updated3-75not-specific-product technical
3.75Fixes made in 3.75Updated3-75not-specific-product
3.75, Youth Justice – Ability to record Outcome 21 and Outcome 22 (3.75)New03/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, , , Early Years – Identify and remove duplicate rows in the Headcount Task (3.75)New09/06/20213-75early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.75, Personnel & B2B Personnel Modules – The Personnel modules are no longer supported (3.75)Updated17/05/20213-75b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.75Citizen Portal – Accessibility (3.75)Updated17/05/20213-75citizen-portal portals
3.75Statutory CTF – Common Transfer File (3.75)Updated18/05/20213-75statutory-returns-2
3.75Statutory – School Census Return 2021/2022 Return (England Specific) (3.75)Updated09/06/20213-75statutory-returns-2
3.75Statutory – UK Bases Table (3.75)Updated18/05/20213-75statutory-returns-2
3.75Statutory WALES – PLASC Post 16 Census (3.75)Updated18/05/20213-75statutory-returns-2
3.75, Citizen Portal Accessibility Statement Updated (3.75)Updated3-75citizen-portal portals
3.76, , , , , Technical – RW Netserver change for GIS (3.76)New, Updated08/11/20213-76at administration gis system technical transport-2
3.75Transport – Capacity shows an amalgamated value when there are multiple active vehicles on a route (3.75)New, Updated19/05/20213-75transport-2
3.75Documentation and Helpfiles (3.75)New3-75not-specific-product
3.76, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus additional flag in Core Record (3.76)New01/10/20213-76youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus wording changes in Explanations & Conclusions (3.75)Updated02/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus wording changes in Pathways & Planning (3.75)New, Updated02/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus wording changes in Offending and Anti-Social Behaviour (3.75)Updated02/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus change of prompt for Self Assessment section Working with the YOT (3.75)Updated02/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus additional text in Sources of Information (3.75)Updated03/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus extra prompts when trying to complete a Review Stage when no changes have been made to Future Behaviour or Safety and Wellbeing sections (3.75)New03/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus wording changes and additional flags in Foundation for Change (3.75)New, Updated02/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.75System – CBDS: External Codes for Exclusion Category (3.75)New09/06/20213-75statutory-returns-2
3.75, FID – An agreement to the use of cookies banner displays the first time the site is accessed (3.75)New07/06/20213-75early-years family-services-information
3.75, Youth Justice – YJB Statutory Change: AssetPlus wording changes and additional flags in Personal, Family and Social Factors (3.75)Updated02/06/20213-75youth youth-justice
3.74Person\Student Search and Flags ICS content changeUpdated04/05/20213-74v4-client
3.74, One Education Client Replacement for Silverlight components (3.74)Updated03/05/20213-74not-specific-product technical
3.74, , System Administration – New Default Parameter for Completed Reports Search Method (3.74)New26/04/20213-74administration system system-system
3.73.009, 3.74.001Statutory Wales Only – PLASC Annual Census (3.74.001 & 3.73.009)Updated21/04/20213-73-009 3-74-001statutory-returns-2
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, NCCIS Checker Tool – Remove Cohort X clients from an NCCIS Return XML (3.74 & 3.73.007)New07/04/20213-73-007 3-74integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.74, , , Youth – Youth Justice and IYSS products are compatible with Chrome and Edge browser (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74integrated-youth-services-iyss technical youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, NCCIS Checker Tool – Removal of old errors which are no longer relevant for the NCCIS 2021 to 2022 requirements (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.74, , Youth Statutory – YJMIS Schema version updated to 6.0.2 (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-74statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, , , Youth Statutory – New system value to refresh YJMIS cache (3.74 & 3.73.007)New26/04/20213-73-007 3-74integrated-youth-services-iyss statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, , Youth Statutory – PNLD offence list updated to version 4.8 (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, , Youth Statutory – Case Transfer Schema updated to 6.0.2 (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, Youth Statutory – Episode in Offending and Anti-social Behaviour is now mandatory for completing a stage (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, Youth Statutory – Additional AssetPlus fields included in Case Level Data (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, Youth Statutory – New Checkbox ETE hours not known (3.74 & 3.73.007)New26/04/20213-73-007 3-74youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, Youth Statutory – Additional accommodation questions in Leaving Custody and Pathways & Planning (3.74 & 3.73.007)New26/04/20213-73-007 3-74youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, Youth Statutory – Mental Health Flag is now available in New Individual Circumstances (3.74 & 3.73.007)New26/04/20213-73-007 3-74integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, , Youth Statutory – Error ‘something went wrong’ after a receiver is selected for a case transfer is resolved (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, , Youth Statutory – Enumerations in CLD Schema updated (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007 3-74statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), 3.74, , , Youth Statutory – New DX Job, Alert messages, and DX Job count of YJMIS job processed for YJMIS return (3.74 & 3.73.007)New26/04/20213-73-007 3-74integrated-youth-services-iyss statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.74Technical – Oracle and Windows Server 2012 are no longer supported for Oracle Database Servers (3.74)26/04/20213-74technical
3.74, Attendance – New Covid-19 Related Extended Absence Codes for England (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74attendance-performance-management-data-monitoring performance-monitoring-data-management
3.74, IYSS NCCIS Checker Tool – Updates to LA codes for Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and Dorset (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.71, One IYSS – NCCIS Return changes for 2020-2021 (3.71)Updated3-71integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.71, , , System – Lookup Table_ID 1066 ‘Reason Looked After Episode Ceased’Updated25/03/20203-71archive childrens-social-care system system-system
3.70, Citizen Portal – Some hard coded text is now configurable to enable Welsh text and resource locations have changed (3.70)Updated03/02/20203-70citizen-portal portals
3.74, Citizen Portal – The Display_IncludeInApplication parameter has been moved to the Free School Meals Resource Configuration (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.74, Citizen Portal – Free School Meals applications can be viewed in Welsh or English as preferred. (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.74Statutory England & Wales – Import of latest AMPARK, CTF Translation and KS1/Phonics assessment files (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74statutory-returns-2
3.74, , System Administration – Multiple gazetteer files can be be selected for processing which removes the need to import each file manually (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74administration system system-system
3.73.009, 3.74.001Statutory Wales Only – EOTAS Census (3.74.001 & 3.73.009)Updated26/04/20213-73-009 3-74-001statutory-returns-2
3.74, Citizen Portal – When an address is changed in My Family users are prompted to update addresses for all others listed in My Family (3.74)New26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.74, Statutory – New import file specification for importing new Aspects of EYFSP (3.74)New26/04/20213-74early-years statutory-returns-2
3.74, , , SEND – The Declaration text on SEND Forms for Wales have changed (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals provider-portal sen-send
3.74, , , SEND – References to EHC is removed on the process step diagram for Welsh in SEND Citizen and Professional(3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals professional-portal sen-send
3.74Fixes made in 3.74Updated26/04/20213-74not-specific-product
3.73.007 (Youth Feature Update), IYSS – Ethnicity codes are now displayed correctly in the AAS Report (3.74 & 3.73.007)Updated26/04/20213-73-007targeted-youth-services youth
3.74, Early Years – The Eligibility Code for a Child is restricted 3 and 4 years age range in Headcount (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74early-years early-years-and-headcount
3.74, Citizen Portal – New configuration setting to control creation of Multiple FSM Applications for the same child on Citizen Portal(3.74)New04/05/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.74, , Early Years – Review Previous Check screen displays the most recent record of each eligibility code (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74early-years portals provider-portal
3.74, , , Early Years – The Default Language Setting must be English(UK) for all Browsers using Provider Portal (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.74, Citizen Portal (NI Only) – Where the Intake NCY is -1 or -2 the Child’s Current School page is not displayed (3.74)New26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.74, Citizen Portal – Portal Accounts Linked to Student panel in v4 client shows students who have been auto-matched (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.74, B2B Personnel / Personnel Module – Notice of End of Life for B2B Personnel and Personnel Module (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.74, B2B – Add/Match unmatched students process has been updated following introduction of GUIDs (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.74, B2B – Student/carer names that have been truncated during the import process are logged in the Error Log (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.74, B2B – When an invalid/empty postcode is received from the SIMS8 API, an entry is added to the Exceptions log (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.74, B2B – SIMS8 credentials in Edit Bases screen no longer hidden (3.74)Updated26/04/20213-74b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.74, Citizen Portal – Accessibility Statement Updated (3.74)Updated19/05/20213-74citizen-portal portals
3.73Fixes made in 3.73Updated03/02/20213-73not-specific-product
3.73, , Citizen Portal – Accessibility (3.73)New, Updated10/12/20203-73citizen-portal portals technical
3.73, Statutory – SEN2 Return Change to Part 3 EHC Plan Issue within 20 weeks (3.73)Updated08/12/20203-73sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.73, One Education Client Replacement for Silverlight components (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73not-specific-product technical
3.73, , Youth Justice – The ETE hours calculated for all Situation is now recorded in YJMIS report (3.73)Updated3-73integrated-youth-services-iyss youth youth-justice
3.73, , , Early Years – Headcount and Funded Services validation message now includes Children’s names and ID number (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.73, , Self Update – Census Submission message now displays Submitted Successfully(3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73early-years portals provider-portal
3.73, , , Youth Technical – Microsoft Access database engine 2010 is no longer supported, only 2016 is supported from 3.73Updated25/11/20203-73integrated-youth-services-iyss technical youth youth-justice
3.73Technical – SQL Server 2012 SP4 is no longer supported from 3.73Updated23/10/20203-73technical
3.73Technical – Windows Server 2012 is no longer supported for the mid-tier (3.73)Updated3-73technical
3.73Transport Back Office (Locale 3) – Approved FSM applications displayed on Financial tab (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73transport-2
3.73SEN – New Schedule Task for updating Provision Records (3.73)New23/10/20203-73sen-send
3.73, , SEND Professional Portal – People can be Hidden or Deleted from the Professional’s list on the Home Page (3.73)New25/11/20203-73portals professional-portal sen-send
3.73, Statutory – Early Years Census 2021 (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73early-years statutory-returns-2
3.73, , , Early Years – New feature to switch off Auto-calculate hours in Headcount Grid Configuration (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.73, , Early Years – The Census Details in Self Update now includes Address and Contact Details (3.73)New25/11/20203-73early-years portals provider-portal
3.73, , SEND Professional – Removal of Secret Question and Answers (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73portals professional-portal sen-send
3.73, , , , B2B Student / B2B Open – Enable student/carer matching based on GUID (3.73)New25/11/20203-73administration b2b performance-monitoring-data-management system system-system
3.73A&T Back Office/School Admissions Portal – Checkbox and date range added to set the period(s) that schools can download ATF files (3.73)New25/11/20203-73at
3.73, B2B Student – Changes have been made to the Rejections Reports to resolve a number of issues (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.73, , , Citizen Portal WALES only – Lookup tables can now be edited in Site Text Resources with both English & Welsh translations (3.73)New25/11/20203-73administration citizen-portal portals system
3.73, Citizen Portal – The My Account menu has been improved for mobile users (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73citizen-portal portals
3.73, System – Memo data is now displayed in SSRS reports on SQL Server 2016 (3.73)New25/11/20203-73system system-system
3.73Statutory – Alternative Provision Census (Locale 1) 2021 (3.73)Updated23/10/20203-73statutory-returns-2
3.73, Statutory A&T – School Preferences Data Collection Utility (3.73)Updated23/10/20203-73at statutory-returns-2
3.73, Statutory A&T – ATF now updated to v17 schema (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73at statutory-returns-2
3.73Statutory EOTAS Census (Locale 3) 2020 (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73statutory-returns-2
3.73Statutory PLASC (Locale 3) – Post 16 Census (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73statutory-returns-2
3.73Statutory Phonics Screening (Locale 1) – Script to include only NCY2 students in Phonics Autumn return (3.73)New25/11/20203-73statutory-returns-2
3.73, , , System – A new Manage Addresses screen can now be accessed from within Address Management in v4 online (3.73)New25/11/20203-73administration gis system-system system
3.73Statutory – School Census Return 2020/2021 Return (3.73)New25/11/20203-73statutory-returns-2
3.73, , , , System CBDS – External Codes for Exclusion Reason (3.73)Updated25/11/20203-73administration b2b performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2 system
3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004, Youth Justice – New schema for AssetPlus Statutory returns (YJMIS) (3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72004)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71-005 3-72-004youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004, Youth Justice – Submitting AssetPlus to YJB Placement now use Case Transfer function (3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71-005 3-72-004youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004, Youth Justice – Police National Legal Database (PNLD) includes COVID-19 Offences (3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71-005 3-72-004youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004, Youth Justice – Validate Stage now uses latest AssetPlus Schema ( 3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71-005 3-72-004youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004, Youth Justice – Case Transfer Assessment ID (3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71-005 3-72-004youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004, Youth Justice – Send To Placement removed from Action panel (3.70.103, 3.71.005, 3.72.004)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71-005 3-72-004youth youth-justice
3.72Technical – Support for SQL Server 2012 SP4 has been extended for 3.72 (3.72)Updated22/07/20203-72not-specific-product
3.72, , Admissions & Transfers – New sibling columns added for the School Admissions Portal (3.72)New21/07/20203-72at portals provider-portal
3.72, Youth Justice – New Countersignature functionality for AssetPlus (3.72)New21/07/20203-72youth youth-justice
3.72, Citizen Portal – FSM/Transport applications can be submitted for a school that is not the child’s current school (3.72)New21/07/20203-72citizen-portal portals
3.72, Early Years – The Provider History report now includes the Extended Hours (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72early-years early-years-and-headcount
3.72Technical – We are supporting Oracle 19c for the One Education database, along with Windows Server 2016 and 2019 for the database server (3.72)New24/07/20203-72not-specific-product
3.72, , Citizen/SEND Portal – New Placeholder ‘Shared Form Link’ added to SEND – Shared Portal Users Templates (3.72)New21/07/20203-72citizen-portal portals professional-portal
3.72, , SEND Portal – SEND Portal PDF Print functionality now available on the Portal (3.72)New21/07/20203-72portals professional-portal sen-send
3.72Statutory – School Census Return 2020/2021 Return (England Specific) (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72statutory-returns-2
3.72, , Early Years – Thirty Hours entitlement can now be extended (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72early-years early-years-and-headcount provider-portal portals
3.72, , Provider Portal – New field ‘Review Submission’ added in Self Update – General Configuration (3.72)New21/07/20203-72early-years portals provider-portal
3.72, Citizen Portal – FSM Ineligible Applications details can be submitted to Portal Back Office (3.72)New21/07/20203-72citizen-portal grants-and-benefits portals other-modules
3.72, , Provider Portal – Run A New Check updated with new features (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72early-years portals provider-portal
3.72, , , , Citizen Portal – TYOF – New Panel in Configure Portal Settings for Ineligible Applications (3.72)New21/07/20203-72citizen-portal early-years portals provider-portal two-year-old-funding
3.72, , Provider Portal – DAF – New check box ‘Show Eligible Children’ added to DAF Application screen (3.72)New21/07/20203-72early-years portals provider-portal
3.72, Youth Justice – Police National Legal Database updated to version 4.7 (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72youth youth-justice
3.72, Youth Justice – The value for ‘YOT’ in sysadmin tool is now correctly displayed in AssetPlus PDFs (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72youth youth-justice
3.72Technical – Crystal Reports Upgrade Required. 3.72 is only Compatible with Crystal Reports runtime v13.0.40 (3.72)Updated20/08/20203-72not-specific-product
3.72, B2B Student – The Clear Cache button in the System Defaults screen has been renamed (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.72, B2B Student – Cached data can now be cleared from the Scheduled Task screen (3.72)New21/07/20203-72b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.72, , System LLPG or AddressBase – LPG_GEO.LEA value is now updated from the import file (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72administration system system-system
3.72, , , , System CBDS – External Codes for Exclusion Reason (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72administration b2b performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2 system
3.72Statutory ADT/ALT/APT/ASL – 2020/2021 (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72statutory-returns-2
3.72Statutory CTF – 2020/2021 Return (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72statutory-returns-2
3.72, , Statutory – UK Bases Table (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.72, B2B Student – Import of B2B files with a School DENI number specific to Northern Ireland (3.72)New21/07/20203-72b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.72, B2B Student/B2B Open – File import and process now includes multiple exclusion reasons (3.72)New21/07/20203-72b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.72, Citizen Portal – A number of issues have been addressed in the Text Blocks area in Edit Resources (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72citizen-portal portals
3.72, Citizen Portal – Where a Preference school has a URL it now opens without error (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72citizen-portal portals
3.72, Citizen Portal – Moving address is now displayed correctly (3.72)Updated21/07/20203-72citizen-portal portals
3.70.104, 3.71, Youth – IYSS – NCCIS Return has been update in line with 2020-21 NCCIS guidance (3.71 & 3.70.104)Updated3-70-104 3-71integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.71Transport Back Office – Entitlement Status now displayed in new column in Single Passenger Assessment Summary (3.71)New06/02/20203-71transport-2
3.71.Net Framework below 4.62 no longer supported from 3.71 (3.71)New3-71not-specific-product
3.71, Statutory KS1 (Locale 1) – Key Stage 1 Assessments (3.71)Updated19/03/20203-71performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.71Windows Server 2016 supported from 3.71 (3.71)New3-71not-specific-product
3.69, 3.70, 3.71, IYSS – NCCIS Checker Tool (v1.1.0)Updated02/04/20203-69 3-70 3-71integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.70.103, 3.71, Youth Justice – Case Transfer (3.71 & 3.70.103)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Youth Justice now use ISO 639-2 in Language, Religion and Nationality (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, IYSS – Field Identification Document updated (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71youth youth-justice
3.70A&T – Incoming current school displayed in Application Current School field if it is not selected from National Database list (3.70)New18/03/20203-70at
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – YOGRS calculation updated (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, Youth Justice – Remanded status can be selected without a Sentence Type (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Offence ‘Behaviours Involved’ list includes County Lines Related (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Pre-Court Decision Outcome – Community Resolution replaced with 3 new options (3.70.103)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.71, eStart – Child and Carer records can be deleted without having to delete all previous events (3.71)Updated11/03/20203-71early-years esuite
3.71, Statutory Early Years – EYFSP Census (3.71)Updated09/03/20203-71early-years statutory-returns-2
3.71Statutory PLASC (Locale 3) – Post 16 Census (3.71)Updated09/03/20203-71statutory-returns-2
3.71GOV.UK Notify email integration is now available (3.71)New02/03/20203-71integration
3.71, , Early Years – Self Update – Providers have new filters and Services now indicate Funded (3.71)New06/03/20203-71early-years portals provider-portal
3.71, , Provider Portal – Add Child address includes Validation check and Building name (3.71)Updated08/03/20203-71early-years portals provider-portal
3.71, , Portal Back Office – Portal DPR updated against Carers attributes (3.71)Updated08/03/20203-71early-years portal-back-office portals
3.71Statutory (Locale 1) – School Census Return 2020 (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71statutory-returns-2
3.71, , , , Statutory System (Locale 1) – CTF AMPARK A-Comp (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71administration performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2 system system-system
3.71, Statutory Phonics (Locale 1) – Phonics Screening Check (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.71, Citizen Portal WALES Only – References to CY-GB now display as CY (3.71)Updated11/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal (Transport) WALES Only – Transport Summary page displays Yes/No answers in Welsh (3.71)Updated10/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal WALES Only – When editing Resource Descriptions, the Resource Culture now shows EN or CY (3.71)Updated10/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal WALES Only – GDPR Consent pop-up can be changed to display in Welsh or English. (3.71)Updated10/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal – The contrast between foreground and background colors meet WCAG 2 AA contrast ratio thresholds (3.71)Updated10/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal WALES Only – URLs changed to be a direct link to English or Welsh pages. (3.71)Updated10/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal WALES Only – Admin – New Welsh translatable locally editable text resources (3.71)New27/02/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, Citizen Portal – Site Logo and Header Text now configurable in Edit Resources (3.71)New02/03/20203-71citizen-portal portals
3.71, , , B2B Student – B2B Cache Setting moved from CCSServerConfig Utility to System Defaults (3.71)New26/02/20203-71administration b2b performance-monitoring-data-management system
3.71, , School Admissions Portal/A&T Back Office – Offer statuses can now be displayed or hidden in the School Admissions Portal (3.71)New05/03/20203-71at portals provider-portal
3.71, CTF CML – Importing the new CML Destination field (3.71)Updated02/03/20203-71performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.71, , Statutory – UK Bases (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.71, , CBDS – Countries Description (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.71, , Statutory CBDS – Country of Origin Descriptions (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.71, , System (Locale 3) – UK Bases Table (3.71)Updated05/02/20203-71administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.70, Citizen Portal – Changes to further support Welsh language complianceNew, Updated28/02/20203-70citizen-portal portals
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Intensive Referral Order added to Intervention Programme Type list (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71system youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Enumerations in CLD Schema has been updated (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – AssetPlus Schema Updated (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – New screen for Mandatory Client Information for YJMIS (3.70.103)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Youth Justice Analytics Case Level Data Schema Updated (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Mandatory fields now highlighted in AssetPlus Young Person Core Record (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – New AssetPlus Questions and Subsections (3.71 & 3.70.103)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Specified Offence defaults to ‘Yes’ in AssetPlus (3.71 & 3.70.103)New21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – Police National Legal Database Offences updated (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70.103, 3.71, , Youth Justice – KB0014642 – Inactive PNLD Offence types are not displayed within the YJ system (3.71 & 3.70.103)Updated21/08/20203-70-103 3-71statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.70, Statutory SEN2 Return: Part 3 EHC Plans issued within 20 weeks (3.70.001)Updated15/11/20193-70sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.70, , System – System Maintenance – System Defaults Table Updated (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70administration system system-system
3.70, , Early Years Provider Portal – Email address now accepts 200 characters (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70early-years portals provider-portal
3.70, , Early Years – Provider Self Update Portal – Providers can now upload files against services (3.70)New12/11/20193-70early-years portals provider-portal
3.70, , , A&T School Admission Portal – Schools can now download the ATF File from the School Admissions Portal (3.70)New12/11/20193-70at portals provider-portal v4-client
3.68, Statutory PLASC (Locale 3) – Post 16 Census (3.68)Updated3-68performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.68, , Statutory System (Locale 3) – CTF AMPARK NAW_A_COMP (3.68)Updated3-68performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2 system
3.68, Statutory KS1 Phonics (Locale 1) – KS1 Phonics Screening Check (3.68)Updated3-68performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.68, Statutory KS1 Assessment (Locale 1) – KS1 Census Return (3.68)Updated3-68performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.68, Statutory EYFSP (Locale 1) – EYFSP Census Return (3.68)Updated3-68early-years statutory-returns-2
3.68, , , , Statutory System (Locale 1) – CTF AMPARK A-Comp (3.68)Updated3-68administration performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2 system system-system
3.68, , , Statutory System – UK Bases Table (3.68)Updated3-68administration statutory-returns-2 system-system system
3.68, , System – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (3.68)Updated3-68administration system-system system
3.68, Statutory CTF – Common Transfer File (3.68)Updated3-68performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.69, , , System Online CBDS / v4 Online Student / v4 Client Student (Locale 3) – New FSM Fields (3.69)Updated3-69administration statutory-returns-2 system system-system
3.69, , , v4 Online System – Archive & Delete – Archive Report Status Summary Updated (3.69)Updated3-69administration performance-monitoring-data-management system-system system
3.69, , , v4 Online System – Archive & Delete – Delete Records dialog updated (3.69)Updated3-69administration performance-monitoring-data-management system system-system
3.69, , , v4 Online System – Archive & Delete – New Delete All Identified Records and Delete Selected Record buttons(3.69)New3-69administration performance-monitoring-data-management system system-system
3.69, , v4 Online System – Archive & Delete – New Delete Configuration tab (3.69)New3-69administration performance-monitoring-data-management system
3.69, , , System – New Data Management Business Process Permissions (3.69)Updated3-69administration performance-monitoring-data-management system-system system
3.69, , System (Locale 3) – UK Bases Table (3.69)Updated3-69administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.69Statutory CTF (Locale 3) – CTF File Data Item (3.69)Updated3-69statutory-returns-2
3.68, , , Early Years – Service and Provider Names in Manage Access (3.68)New3-68early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.68, , , Early Years – Headcount and Better Start Permissions (3.68)Updated3-68early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.70Statutory School Census Mappings 2019 – 2020 (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70statutory-returns-2
3.68, , , , Early Years – Validation on Carer Date of Birth (3.68)New3-68early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal two-year-old-funding
3.68, , , Early Years – Manage Access – Audit log (3.68)New3-68early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.68, , , , Early Years – TYOF Provider User Permission have been replaced (3.68)New3-68early-years portals provider-portal two-year-old-funding v4-client
3.68, Early Years – Publish to FID (3.68)New3-68early-years v4-client
3.70, Mid-Tier Architecture – .Net Framework 4.8.x is now supported (3.70)New12/11/20193-70not-specific-product uncategorised
3.70, Microsoft Report Builder – SQL Server 2016 is now supported (3.70)New12/11/20193-70not-specific-product uncategorised
3.70, Statutory SEND – SEN2 Return 2020 (3.70)Updated24/11/20193-70sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.69, , , System CBDS (Locale 1) – External Codes for Exclusion Appeal Result (3.69)Updated3-69administration exclusions other-modules system
3.69, , Statutory – UK Bases Updated (3.69)Updated3-69administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.69Statutory (Locale 1) – School Census Return 2019/2020 (3.69)Updated3-69statutory-returns-2
3.69Statutory CTF (Locale 1) – CTF Data Items (3.69)Updated3-69statutory-returns-2
3.69Statutory CTF – 2019/2020 Return (3.69)Updated3-69statutory-returns-2
3.69, , Statutory CBDS – Special Needs Description (3.69)Updated3-69administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.69, , CBDS – Countries Description (3.69)Updated3-69administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.69, , Statutory CBDS – Country of Origin Descriptions (3.69)Updated3-69administration statutory-returns-2 system
3.69, Statutory A&T – ATF File Version (3.69)Updated3-69at statutory-returns-2
3.69, Citizen Portal – Secret Question and Answer (3.69)Updated3-69citizen-portal portals
3.69, Citizen Portal – ‘Show’ button to see password (3.69)Updated3-69citizen-portal portals
3.69, , Youth Justice – YJB Submissions to Placements (3.69)Updated3-69statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.69, , Youth Justice – Police National Legal Database (3.69)Updated3-69statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.69, Youth Justice – New Sysadmin system value for connectivity (3.69)New3-69youth youth-justice
3.69, , Youth Justice – YJB Statutory changes for 2019.20 applied (3.69)New, Updated3-69statutory-returns-2 youth youth-justice
3.69, One IYSS – Boundary Changes – Merger of Local Authorities (3.69)New3-69integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.69, , , Portal Back Office – B2B DPR have been amended to included Carers data imported via the Portals (3.69)New3-69citizen-portal portal-back-office portals provider-portal
3.69, , , Portal Back Office – Importing Carers with new ‘Relationship Type’ (3.69)New3-69citizen-portal portal-back-office portals provider-portal
3.69, , , Portal Back Office – Carer’s Details submitted via the Portal now use B2B DPR (3.69)New3-69early-years portal-back-office portals provider-portal
3.69, , , , , , , , , Citizen Portal – Validations on My Account (3.69)Updated3-69at citizen-portal early-years early-years-and-headcount music-other-modules other-modules portals sen-send training-manager-other-modules two-year-old-funding
3.69, , , , , , , , , Citizen Portal – ‘White spaces’ in Name fields (3.69)Updated3-69at citizen-portal early-years early-years-and-headcount music-other-modules portals sen-send training-manager-other-modules transport-2 two-year-old-funding other-modules
3.69, , , , , , , , Citizen Portal – Changes to Address Search and Selection (3.69)Updated3-69at citizen-portal early-years early-years-and-headcount portals sen-send training-manager-other-modules transport-2 two-year-old-funding other-modules
3.69, , A&T Back Office/Citizen Portal – Links to One Publications website (3.69)Updated3-69at citizen-portal portals
3.68, CTF Data Import – Student/Carer Home Phone Number (3.68)Updated3-68not-specific-product statutory-returns-2
3.68, B2B Student – Incoming SEN Data (InternalServerError) (3.68)Updated3-68b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.68, B2B Students – Incoming SEN Data dates now importing (3.68)Updated3-68b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.68, B2B Student – Incoming Deleted Students (3.68)New3-68b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.68, , A&T School Admissions Portal – Northern Ireland process added to Provider Portal (3.68)New3-68at portals provider-portal
3.68A&T Back Office – Northern Ireland process added to A&T (3.68)New3-68at
3.68A&T Back Office/School Admissions Portal – Transfer Groups/Sub Groups – Edit Rank (3.68)Updated3-68at
3.68A&T Back Office / School Admissions Portal – Transfer Groups/Sub Groups – Hide in School Admissions Portal (3.68)New3-68at
3.68A&T Back Office – Student Applications in current or new tab (3.68)Updated3-68at
3.70, , , Early Years – Service Type of Childminder in 30 Hour Share Amended (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70citizen-portal early-years portals provider-portal
3.70, , , Early Years – Carer’s Validation check in Add/Edit Child (3.70)New12/11/20193-70early-years early-years-and-headcount portals provider-portal
3.70, , Early Years – Amending a Child’s Start Date (3.70)Updated15/11/20193-70early-years early-years-and-headcount provider-portal portals
3.70, , A&T Back Office – Customising Citizen Portal School Place Applications (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70at citizen-portal portals
3.70Statutory PLASC Attendance (Locale 3) 2020 Return (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70statutory-returns-2
3.70Statutory PLASC Annual Census (Locale 3) 2020 Return (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70statutory-returns-2
3.70Statutory EOTAS Census (Locale 3) 2020 (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70statutory-returns-2
3.70Statutory Alternative Provision Census (Locale 1) 2020 (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70statutory-returns-2
3.70, Statutory Early Years Census 2020 (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70early-years statutory-returns-2
3.70, Statutory CBDS – New Data Item and Lookup Codes (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70performance-monitoring-data-management statutory-returns-2
3.70, Statutory A&T – School Preferences Data Collection Utility (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70at statutory-returns-2
3.70, Statutory A&T (v3) – ATF files Updated (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70at statutory-returns-2
3.70, , v4 Online System – System Maintenance Delete Configuration Tab Updated (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70performance-monitoring-data-management system-system system
3.70, Statutory SEND (England specific) – SEN2 Business Rules Updated (3.70)Updated18/11/20193-70sen-send statutory-returns-2
3.69, B2B Student / B2B Open – Third Party Supplied Files KB0011527/KB-420739 (3.69)Updated18/02/20203-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.69, B2B Student – School History Import improved (3.69)Updated3-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.69, B2B Student – Rejections Report improved (3.69)New3-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.69, B2B Student – Turn on caching in CCSServerConfig Utility: KB0011778/KB-481504 (3.69)Updated18/02/20203-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.69, B2B Student – Address Import (3.69)Updated3-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.70, IYSS – NCCIS Checker Tool (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70integrated-youth-services-iyss youth
3.70, B2B Student – Incoming address records now using the UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) (3.70)Updated12/11/20193-70b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.69, B2B Student & Portal Back Office – New Data Processing Rules (3.69)Updated3-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.68, Early Years – Provider Headcount Portal – New validation checks and messages for Carers (3.68)New3-68early-years early-years-and-headcount
3.70Statutory School Census Return 2019/2020 (England Specific)Updated3-70statutory-returns-2
3.69, B2B: Student Conflicts Processing – Additional Check for Scheduled Task data (3.69)Updated3-69b2b performance-monitoring-data-management
3.69A&T Back Office – Incoming Students – New Status of Application field (3.69)New3-69at
3.69A&T Back Office – Address Import (3.69)New3-69at
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