The instructions on this page were different in the following release(s):

B2B Student

B2B Student is a module within One which enables the import of student data from schools to the Local Authorities via the Wonde API.

The following requirements need to be set up in order to use B2B Student:

| Setup & Permissions | v4 Online | v4 Client |

Select from the following options for more details:

| Licences | Maximum Age | Minimum Age | B2B Cache | GUID Matching | Scheduled Task Filters | Seed Attendance Data | Integration Service | Bases |

B2B Student requires a licence to be purchased. To activate the licence, the licence key must be entered and saved in Administration | System Admin | System Administration | System Admin | Licencing.

If the Local Authority has a current B2B Student licence the B2B Student option will be enabled in One Education Client which will allow access to all the B2B Student functionality and screens. If the Local Authority does not have a license for B2B Student or the licence key is not valid, then the B2B Student option will not be available.

Once the licence key is entered and saved, the user should log out of One and then log in again to ensure that the licence is activated.

Licences for B2B attainment

In order to use the B2B attainment functionality, you must also have a Pulse licence and a B2B Attainment licence installed. B2B Attainment licences are free to customers who already have a B2B Student and Pulse licence.