Students Page

If the student doesn't exist in the One database they can be added manually. You can also view any current and past applications the student has made and manually add a new application if necessary (if you have suitable user rights). It enables you to select students to include in transfer groups and the Flag Feeder Receiver, Catchments and Distances and Copy Applicant Reasons processes. You can also Make Offers to students via the Students tab.

Some of these processes are only run once for a transfer group, some several times. You may not find it necessary to use each process, but some are essential for the running of Admissions and Transfers.

Student Selection

This process is used to selectselect the bulk of the students to populate a transfer group.

Before using Student Selection, you must set up a transfer group and enter the Basic Details (Normal Phased or In Year). The process selects students using the current NCY of the students.

All students to be considered for the transfer group should have a correspondence address with a postcode, unless their address is flagged as Overseas. If a student without a correspondence address is included in Student Selection, they are added to the transfer group but are also recorded as a warning in the log, which can be viewed and printed.

Students who are added to a transfer group by Student Selection are assigned an automatically-generated Unique Identifying Number (UID) for use in Admissions and Transfers Online.

Students who added to the transfer group after Student Selection has been carried out (by creating an application via the Students area) are assigned UIDs when they are manually added to a transfer group.

These processes enable complex operations and should be selected with care, as some changes are permanent. A confirmation message is displayed whenever One is about to make a permanent change.

All Students Search

The Students | All Students page is the first screen displayed after logging into Admissions and Transfers Back Office. This screen can also be displayed as a modal window when searching for a student from other parts of One. Once you have selected a particular student record you can view that student’s past and current applications and add new applications.

Enter at least two name characters. Alternatively, you can search using the Unique Pupil Number (UPN).

The drop-down menu to the left of the Name or Unique Pupil Number field enables you select different typestypes of name search.

  • Begins With
    Enter the first few characters of either a Surname, First Name, Middle Name or Unique Pupil Number.
  • Contains
    Enter a few characters from anywhere in the string of the Surname, First Name, Middle Name or Unique Pupil Number.
  • Name Sounds Like
    Returns students whose Surname, First Name or Middle Name sounds like that entered in the Student Name or Unique Pupil Number field.

To limit the number of records returned from the enquiry, refine the search criteria by entering the Date of Birth (Enter a Date of Birth in any format e.g. dd/mm/yyyy or select from the drop-down calendar), Student ID or Postcode (You must enter at least three postcode characters). If you enter a postcode you can select the postcode type from All, Current and Future or Correspondence (the default) from an associated drop down list.

The Active Students Only check box is selected by default. Deselect the check box to search all student records.

Some fields have down arrows. Click these arrows to open a drop down list showing all possible entries for that field, and click a list item to select it. Alternatively, you can type in options directly.

If the search returns a large number of records or you need to distinguish between close matches, click More Options to expand the search criteria box and display additional filters.

  • More Search Options
    • Base FiltersBase Filters

      Enter a Base Name, URN or School No. to narrow the search down to a single base. To search for only those students who are currently registered at the specified base, ensure that the Registered Only check box is selected. If this check box is not selected, the search returns all students with a current or future record for the base, regardless of whether or not the student is currently registered there. The Registered Only check box only displays once a base has been selected from the Base Name, URN or School No search field.

      Click Filter Base Suggestions to filter the bases by Base Type or Base Control, or to search within Home LA Bases, All Bases (the default) or Other LA Bases.

      To search all base records, deselect the Active Bases only check box.

    • Student FiltersStudent Filters

      You can enter and search by gender, or NCY.

      There is the option to search on All Students, Students in an Active Transfer Group or Students not in an Active Transfer Group.

      The Active Students only check box is selected by default. To search on all student records, deselect this check box.

      When you click the Search button, all students matching the selected criteria are listed.

  • Search ResultsSearch Results

    The number of matching students and the criteria you used to perform the search are listed. Each student’s Surname, Forename, Gender, Date of Birth, Postcode and NCY are shown.

    You can narrow the search down further by entering additional criteria. Alternatively, you can click Clear Search within More Search Options to start again with new criteria.

    Click a student name to select that student. If you are within Students | All Students the Student Details tabs are displayed with details of any current and past applications for that student. You can add a new application from here.

    If you cannot find a given student and you have suitable access rights, you can add that student to One. One carries out a further check for duplicates during this process.

  • Add Student from SearchAdd Student from Search

    Click Add New Student to open the Add New Student page of All Students. One carries over the criteria you have searched for (excluding the contents of the Student Name or UPN field) into the new student details. Once you have added the student’s name and date of birth and saved, One checks for duplicates.

    If you access this search dialog via Clone Application on the Application Details page you do not have the necessary access rights to add a student from the search.

    Once you have selected a student, in most cases you can display the previous or next student in the search results by clicking the up and down arrows next to the student’s name in the Student Details header. As you change students, the focus remains on the same tab. If you have not specified a transfer group in the search criteria, but you wish to view the application details of a student with multiple applications, you must first select the application.

    However, if you are viewing the Preference Reasons page for an application’s active preferences, clicking the up and down arrows displays the Preference Reasons page for the previous or next application (if it has any active preferences).